Monday, January 24, 2011

"Growing Up Digital" (Assigned 1/24/11)

Click on the link below to read the article, "Growing Up Digital" in this month's Upfront magazine.

Once you have read the article, please respond to the following prompt in a thoughtful paragraph:

Do you agree or disagree with the argument the article makes about the impact of digital devices and the Internet on students' education?  Do you feel your access to the digital world has personally helped or hindered your achievement in school?  Why?

Please be sure to support your opinion with details and examples.  Don't forget to PROOFREAD!


  1. I agree with the argument the article makes. I believe that activities such as texting do impede the student’s ability to function in school. It has not just impeded my studies out of school, but also in school. My last school was totally dependent on technology, so much so that when the system had problems, the whole school virtually shut down and became a holding pen. I think it’s becoming a problem.

  2. I agree with what the article says about technology affecting our student’s education. Students are spending more time with their cell phones and on various internet sites as opposed to opening up their textbooks and using their brain power to complete their work. Teenagers and children’s brains are still developing as they go through school and the amount of technology use has begun to affect attention spans in kids. Student’s reasoning, analytical and problem solving skills decline with the use of cell phones and websites. Technology is also allowing for a greater margin when it comes to cheating. Children are finding new and creative ways to cheat on assignments and tests using the various forms of technology. I personally feel that technology use in school has helped to an extent, because it allows me to find multiple channels of information. I’ve used textbooks and various internet sites to complete many of my projects in school. I also feel that technology has hindered me because I tend to get distracted when I am doing some of my work. The internet can sometimes become a black hole of information because one link leads to another, and before you know it you are on a completely different topic than where you started.

  3. I partially agree with the article. Tecnology is helping us but also hurting us in certain ways. It distracts us from our school work but it can also help us with it. I believe that a controlled amount of time using things like computers would be alright because we wouldn't be on them all the time.
    I think that my access to the digital world has helped my achievement in school because you can use the computer to help with homework or studying.

  4. I agree that the digital world of cell phones and Internet is interfering with student’s studies. I know this because of personal experience. Whenever I do homework it is very easy to get distracted by text messages and facebook updates. I also sometimes get caught up in doing something on my computer that I don’t start my homework till late. On the other hand, computers can be a very useful tool while doing homework from anything like Microsoft office to looking something up on the Internet.

  5. I sort of agree, but I don't at the same time with the article. Digital devices and the internet do make an impact on a student's education in a negative and a positive way. Students can easily copy and paste information, and cheat on a project or essay. But, at the same time, the internet can be a huge help in researching and finding information. Things like cell phones do distract students and help them cheat, but there's not really a way to get around students cheating and it will continue to be a problem, with or without digital devices. In the article, when they mention cell phones, I think they’re only focusing on the bad affects they have on students, they’re also really helpful. I think that my access to the digital world has both hindered and helped my achievement in school. I have found a lot of information on the internet, but I've also been distracted by it.

  6. I disagree with the argument that the article makes, because not every child and teen gets home and goes on Facebook of three or four hours. Technology can be a distraction, that being said, I believe that having the option of technology brings responsibility to the person using it. If you are one of those people who know that you get sidetracked easily, then try to resist the temptation of using your computer for other things like Facebook and YouTube before doing things more important. Personally, I have benefitted from using my computer and technology for schoolwork. If I forget to write down an assignment then I would just text my friends and ask if they have it, or if I have to download something from the internet then I have the internet right at my fingertips. The key is to prioritize; there will always be a distraction, whether it be the internet, your phone, a pet, soccer, T.V. anything and everything is a distraction. So if you want to take away distractions you’d be taking away everything. As with everything, internet use should be done in moderation. Prioritize you work, YouTube, or math? How about some of both?

  7. I disagree with the argument that the article makes about the impact of digital devices and the internet of students' education because I think that even though the internet does distract us very often from our school work it on the other hand helps provide us information and can teach us things we would never have thought to have learned. I feel that my access to the digital world has helped my achievement in school because it has taught me how to do many things I wouldn’t have pictured myself doing. It can also cover some details or extra information that your teachers can leave out in class when their teaching you a lesson. It can defiantly be a distraction but all you have to do is get done with your school work first and then go on face book or whatever distracts you from your work. With the digital world you can discover, maybe, what could be what gets you into the college you want to go to or maybe even pursue you into your future career.

  8. Yes, I believe they have both negative but positive influences. I believe that technological influence had impacted my education. It has provided the internet, laptops, and touch boards. Some children however, constantly use their cell phones in texting which I think is stupid. Texting is like calling but in secret. Its only use for kids is entertaining themselves while the teacher isn't looking. I believe that some technology is helpful and some is not at all.

  9. After I read this article, I was at a loss of words for if I agreed or disagreed with it. Although computers and cell phones can be hurting students grades because they are distracted by them, how else would they get information for projects or contact friends or family? I also believe that laptops can help students find a passion that they didn’t know about before, like Vishal. I know that every single student gets distracted by computers or laptop at one time, but I do not think that it is mentally changing their attention span. For me, I feel that all of the new technology has hindered me. Although it sometimes makes life easier, I almost always get distracted by them while doing my homework. Even though it doesn’t affect my grades much, I feel like I am now staying up later and sometimes forgetting a couple assignments. In conclusion, I mostly feel like the all of the new technology is starting to damage students’ grades and work habits.

  10. I agree with this article 90%. Its true if you are always on the computer and texting or what have you your attention span may shrink. However I personally do not believe anymore then at most 40% of kids are constantly on electronic devices. So I absolutely don't believe that all american school children's brains are melting like this article applies. I believe that my access to the digital world has not effected my achievement in school that much. It still helps, just not a lot.

  11. For me, its hard to make a straight opinion on this; that is, whether I agree or disagree with this article. I do agree with several things from this article. For one thing, getting texts while you're doing homework can end up easily as a large distraction. Also, several people would rather go on youtube instead of actually reading a book. I always eventually seem to get distracted by electronics, whether it's Facebook or video games.
    However, there are some things I disagree with as well. I never really see any late night status updates when I go on Facebook. Not to mention, I think that the writer is exaggerating when they say the amount of texts people send and recive in one day. It just seems like too many texts. However, overall, I would have to agree with the article about technology outside of school hindering our education.
    On the contrary, technology has actually helped me in my school education. I can use my computer to look up extra facts for my projects. Also, I can use my computer to play music while I'm doing homework, since I usually need sound to be able to focus on something. Not to mention, it provides something to look forward to when I'm doing my homework, I just need will power not to use my things before my homework.

  12. I disagree with the article in general, but they did say a few things that I agreed with. When you are trying to study, the electronics do get in the way because you can be studying one second, and get dragged away the next. However, in the digital age of the twenty-first century, cell phones and iPods are a must. Obviously sending 27,000 texts is bad. Sending a few texts to friends are not terrible, as long as you stay focused when you need to. It is not the technology to blame, but the people who misuse the technology. I feel the access to the digital world has helped my achievement in school because there is a lot of great information on the internet waiting to store in one's brain. Without the internet or transferring of documents, I wouldn't be writing this right now, or the reader of this would not be reading this. It is a great way to share thoughts, news, and brainpower, if used correctly. When misused, it contributes to a whole lot of trouble.

  13. I have to agree with the article to some extent. I’ve had friends who’ve become addicted to their phones causing their grades to plummet. At some point they can’t think of anything else for too long. On the other hand, cell phones have never been much of a distraction for me. The punishments for texting in school, in my opinion, are simply not worth that one text sent to a friend. In my opinion it all seems to depend on the person.
    The fact that students are starting to do more and more homework on the computer, leaves the internet just a click away. Distractions are hard to ignore when they are constantly within reach.
    Personally, I feel that technology is just as distracting as any other activity. I think that if teens truly care, they can separate themselves from all distractions.

  14. I completely agree with this article. I feel that our generation of teenagers get way too caught up in technology. I can definitely believe that technology has an effect on many students' grades. One point in the article does strike me though. It is true that many new technology upgrades are happening in school. For example, the iPhones, net books, and smart boards. Some teachers try to discourage students from using too much technology, but they're probably using close to the same amount. As for technology affecting my achievement in school, I would have to think about that. I probably don't use as much technology as other students do. I would say that having access to a computer helps me by getting some assignments done faster. Overall, I feel that a lot of technology today has a negative effect on students' academics.

  15. I think that disagree that technoligia, for it gives us a reason finish our homework to get back those things. Plus it gives us a boost in jobs in the future its not the 50's any more. We are in the 21's century and amlost all jobs will require a computer. the internet gives us a boost in research. and that why i think technoligia is good.

  16. I disagree with the article because many students blame the internet for their bad grades, but it is not the internet’s fault that they have bad grades it is the lack of self discipline in the student . The internet also holds many tools to help you get better grades like websites that you can look up information for a report or an essay. Although I have a different way of thinking about texting because it enables you to keep in contact with other people, but abusing texting can get risky and become very expensive for your parents, especially for 27,000 texts sent and received like Allison Miller. I figure that the internet and texting can be a help and a hindrance depending on the way you us it.

  17. I would have to agree on some of what the article said. I think computers are a great resource and help us a lot but a lot of times I know if we’re doing home work on the computer we are more inclined to go on Facebook or Skype and distract ourselves. I know that when I am doing homework on the computer at home, I am easily distracted by other internet sites. I know kids text a lot and probably use the computer for the right answers for their home work but that does not apply to all kids. The kid in the article, Vishal, used the computer for his homework and although he got distracted, he found an outlet film making that he decided he wanted to pursue in college. For me personally, I feel that the internet both helps and hinders my education. Using digital devices make homework go by much faster and it is easier and faster to find information. The hindrance comes when I find myself being sucked into the black hole of the internet, because you can start clicking on different sites and before you know it you are on a completely different subject.

  18. I agree with this article because I fell that the internet and electronic devices distract young students from their education. Students are using these tools to cheat. Students are using the internet to short cut their education. Students are learning to not work hard; they are not using reasoning skills, analytical skills and problem solving skills which they will need in the work force. On the other hand, these tools make education efficient, because I can use the spell check option on my computer and the on line dictionary to help with my vocabulary and my schooling.

  19. I do agree with the articles point of view. It makes a valid point that more and more teens are spending more time on distractions than academics. The internet, cell phones and television have become more of a problem in the past decade. But with so much technology all around, how can we properly balance our usage? Personally the new technology has both helped me and effected me negatively. For example the internet makes learning much easier but also has its distractions. As well as cell phones, we all know were suppose to shut down our phones during class but for some the temptation is just too great. All in all I full agree with the articles view but I also recon that technology has hindered our learning process. I guess its all just a matter of balancing the time we spend using it.

  20. I agree with their argument, because most kids are more focused on texting and Facebook rather than homework. When they ARE doing their homework they usually have distractions, such as television, texting and the internet. This effects the effort and quality put towards the work.
    I think the new technology had both helped and hindered my achievements in school. Helped because it draws more attention than reading in a book, it makes it more interesting. Hindered because, while doing my homework I'm tempted to text or I procrastinate because i'm watching TV or on the internet.

  21. I agree with upfront magazine because what they say about technology slowly changing the brains of today’s teens is exactly correct. Many teens are glued to some sort of technological device almost all day. A good example of this is when a teacher instruct homework that is to be done in class, the student will most likely get sidetracked and end up doing something that is completely different. Now that there is a whole new world of phones students are often on a cell phone half of the day, sometimes even when they are in classes. A good example of this is Vishal the 17 year old says,” Why read the book when you can get the whole story in six minutes?” That is the way that many of America’s teenagers think.

  22. I agree with the article “Growing Up Digital” because it has a very strong point. I think digital devices do have an effect to our education. Some people are easily distracted and I think it’s bad for the people who can’t control themselves from the digital world to have access to it. Sometimes I find myself texting or surfing the Internet when I have homework, but I can stop. Access to the digital world, for me, has helped me in so many ways. The Internet is great for my school work because I can do blogs, projects, and etc. I can look for up information on whatever I’m studying. In addition, if I need a format or idea of how to do something, I can look it up with a click of a button. Also, I can go on Hotmath for some help on the math problems. The digital world has helped me on my achievements in school and has helped me to become a smarter student every day.

  23. Personally, I agree and disagree with the article “Growing Up Digital”. I agree because it’s true, when doing focus activities I try to center myself but maybe I get a text and forget what I’m thinking about and have to start all over. Also sometimes when I’m on the computer I forget what I’m doing and go to Facebook. On the flip side without technology I wouldn’t be able to do this blog. Also I wouldn’t know when things were or ever be on time. Over all I think this debate could go both ways.

  24. I both agree and disagree with the argument this article makes. I agree because I do find it true that many kids, like the one who's mainly focused on in the article, are instead of reading a book, they take the easy way out. I know that many people get distracted by cell phones, facebook, etc. while trying to do assignments since I do as well. On the other hand, It's not as bad as it seems. As long as you handle it right and know what your priorities are, you should be fine. When I go to read a book I don't find myself constantly unfocused like the article says my generation usually does. I'd say that my access to the digital world helps my achievement in school by making assignments more exciting and giving them a variety.

  25. I agree and disagree with the article about digital technology for students' education. It is okay to use technology in moderation, but you shouldn't let it swallow up your life. I feel like having access to the digital world personally helped my achievement in school because I use technology wisely for academic purposes during school, and on the occasions I use it for fun I limit the amount of time I am on it.

    The good things about technology are communication. If we did not have email or facebook, it would take longer to write a letter or more difficult to see each other in person if they live far away. Technology is also good because of the efficiency of a computer in the classroom. I think it is very educational to have a laptop to use during class to take notes, use online activities, or look up information on resource websites, such as

    However, technology could also have a negative effect on us. Everything is good if used in moderation. For example, I think that it is okay to use your cell phone to call someone or to play an occasional game, but it is going overboard to stay up all night texting. It is especially bad when you substitute reading a book for youtube or going on facebook instead of doing your homework. In the article, Vishal, a 17-year-old, said, "If it weren't for the Internet, I'd focus more on school and be doing better academically." This person knows he or she has a problem, but does not focus enough on schoolwork to do better in class.

    I personally think that some people overdue it, such as Ramon Ochoa-Lopez, who "...plays six hours of video games on weekdays and more on weekends, leaving homework to be done in the bathroom before school." I think it is okay to watch television for an hour or two, but not for six hours or your whole weekend.

    In conclusion I think that technology is helpful if used if you balance your time wisely.

  26. I agree with the arguments that were said in the article. The impact of digital devices and the internet are a huge impact on students worldwide, whether it be for school purposes or to get away from schoolwork. I think that the internet plays a huge role because if your homework is on the computer, it is so easy to get off-task and procrastinate your homework. I think that my personal access to the digital world has hindered my achievement in school. I think this because I usually procrastinate on my homework.

  27. I think that technology devises have affected education more negatively than positively. The internet does have valuable information but it can also distract kids and make them forget about doing their assignments. Also texting can take up time and keep kids away from staying on task by doing their assignments. This article shows alot of evidence of why technologie devices have lowered some kids grades.

  28. I completely agree with this article, that people my age, and some even below, are using technology at an insanely high level. My younger sister, in third grade, uses her computer more than I do, and for me it’s mainly homework. Grades are indeed dropping because of using technology for so long, without studying for tests, or doing homework, instead simply procrastinating, by watching YouTube videos, or going on Face book, as said in the article. While I do admit to use my computer a bit longer than necessary, I always know when to stop, get off, and start my homework. Though I do I think technology has helped students in school, since now it’s much easier to write a 1000-word essay, when you can simply type it in a few moments, and print it in even less. Technological advancements in schools have helped students with extremely bad handwriting, be able to turn in something legible, and get a full amount of points. I believe technology has bothered helped, and harmed us, both for different reasons. It’s good when you have a large amount of homework, and you can simply type it out and print it. Though, on the other hand, the frequent using of computers and other technological items creates a distraction for children of all ages, causing to have less time for studying or homework. So, I must conclude with saying, students are indeed using far too much technology, for far too long.

  29. I both agree and disagree with the argument the article makes about the impact of digital devices and the internet on students' education. I agree because some people can get distracted very easily and be doing their homework one minute, then on Facebook the next. I disagree with the article because other students use the internet and other technology devices for productive uses of their time or when they are done studying for school. I feel that my access to the digital world has personally helped my achievements in school. I feel this way because the internet has helped me find information on projects, define words, and many other things. I agree that the internet can distract some people when they are trying to do their homework, but it personally doesn't affect my schoolwork or grades in a bad way.

  30. I think that the access to the digital worlds has both helped and delayed the achievements of students in school. Technology helps students access the information they need for school fast and easy, rather than having to look it up in an encyclopedia or textbook, which could take a while. Technology helps many people advance in school, but it has its cons. Technology is distracting to students in school and out. Many people are worried waiting for a text message and they are distracted from what they are supposed to be doing. They are involved in YouTube videos and surfing the web rather than doing their homework and school work that is due the next day. This problem is causing students to get lower grades because they are not focused. Even though technology advances students in school, it also distracts them from important school work that will better their education.

  31. I agree that the internet is not helping students but also it is helping us save paper. I think that the internet is kind of setting us back from not doing our homework I believe that because many people are on Facebook and chatting with friends and not doing their homework til late at night and rushing to do it in the morning. That puts stress on them and its all their fault not anyone else. So I agree with the article that the computers are not helping students after school but at the same time they are helping students with a lot of things.

  32. I agree that texting, internet, and video games can be so addicting and cause grades to go down. I personally don't have that problem, but the United States as a whole is overweight and technology oriented. I think that in school the internet has improved achievements and made learning more fun. At home and around your friends the technology people use has ruined their mind and their goals they set on doing homework.

  33. I agree and disagree with the Upfront article. I agree in a way because being online or texting is a very big distraction for a lot of people. I also disagree because sometimes you need to text or ask someone on Facebook a question about school work, so we need social networking sometimes. So, it could go either way. I do believe it has helped my achievement in school. Teachers at my school give us websites or other activities on the internet to study and help us improve on our tests and quizzes.

  34. “Computers and cellphones, and the constant stream of stimuli they offer, are a new challenge to focusing and learning (Growing up Digital, Richtel).” I definitely feel this is true a lot of the time. When reading or studying I often find myself distracted by the internet, and text messages. I will be focusing on my homework, and I might get a text. At this point, I stop focusing on school work for at least 5 minutes or longer. These constant distractions make it difficult to stay on task, which has hindered how well I do in school. At the same time I feel this technology also helps me in school. I am able to look up and research almost any topic there is quickly and efficiently. So while I agree with Richtel that computers and cellphones make it hard to stay focused, I also feel at least computers are a necessity for getting a lot of assignments finished.

  35. I agree with it because many people are distracted by these devices and that is why many students grades are slipping. I do not think that my access to the digital world has helped me that much in school because I don't usually spend that long on the internet. I don't think that my use on the internet has done anything to my grades or how I feel. There are probably lots of people out just like the students in this article, but I would say that I am not really like those people. I limit my time on technology as much as I can.

  36. Texting, going on the computer, and reaching the next level in a video game are climbing the “to do list” on teenagers’ schedules each and every day. Articles, like “Growing Up Digital” by Matt Richtel, believe that technology is taking over young peoples’ lives, including their academic one’s. While this may be true to some people, I don’t believe that technology is making huge negative change in students’ academic performances. Taking technology into the classroom, in my opinion, has only lifted our academic performances and grades with all of the information on the Internet to be discovered, word processing allowing more to be accomplished, and a new and exciting way to learn. But, while some students might have their thumbs glued to their phones or eyes glued to the TV, I do believe that spending excessive time on technology could potentially damage your performance in academics. Though, every year, our school’s STAR Testing scores seem to be climbing even with the growing technology around us. But with every student, there are different circumstances. In my case, spending an hour on the computer doesn’t damage my education, reflected in my grades. I actually think that going on my computer, I learn something every day. And since entering a laptop program, I feel that learning has become more interesting and fun. So, with rising technology all around us, I feel that it has only made more achievements, increased knowledge, and could potentially help students with academics.

  37. I agree that excessive use of these devices can hinder a student’s education but used in moderation I believe these devices can also be very beneficial to their education as well. These devices provide student with a broader scope of access to Information. Students now have the ability to obtain global information. They also make learning interactive and fun for the students. Personally I think that this technology has helped me very much with my education. For example I have never been that good of a writer so Microsoft Word was a great help to me with correcting grammar and proof reading what I wrote. Overall I believe that technology can be very beneficial when used in moderation.

  38. I do agree that technology interferes with many students learning. However the schools aren't helping any by having so many assignments and things involving computers. I think that internet and phones have effected my learning, but with my parents always keeping me on top of things I am doing good. Some of the problems might be from parents not minimizing electronics time.

  39. I agree with the atricle's position on the amount of electronic interaction most students get in a day. For most of us, twelve hours don't go by where we don't turn on a TV, computer, or phone. Something as simple as flicking a light switch or two, or any of the above, isn't much to worry about in its self. Of course, we don't get enjoyment of technology simply because we turn it on and it makes pretty lights and noises. We enjoy it because it provides a distraction from whatever it is we don't like - homework, our grades, our parents, etc. Distractions are great, okay, in moderation. We need to find a way to balance our video fixes with the things we actually need or want to do. What it comes down to is we just need to be a little more responsible with our time and a little less slacker-ish. If we could turn away from the screen and focus for once, we would be able to accomplish alot more and then get back to our electronic time.

  40. I personally agree with the argument that this article makes about the impact of digital devices and the Internet on students' education. I believe that the digital devices and the Internet is impacting students academically. Lots of times people have not wanted to do some assignments because they were talking to their friends through their computers, but if people didn't have any social networking people would have done their homework or assignments sooner. Personally, I have seen people stop reading or doing their homework to answer a text message like Allison from the article. I don't think that the technology of our age is making a huge impact on students, but it does show some effect. In my opinion, digital devices and the Internet has made a small impact on my academics. I think that my access to the digital world has not personally helped me, but it has hindered some of my achievement in school. I feel this way because without the Internet or a cell phone I would have more time to study or do homework to my highest ability. Again, I know the digital world has not made a huge impact on me, but without it I could do better.

  41. In the article “Growing Up Digital”, by Matt Ritchel, I agree with the argument that technology affects student’s academic work. Myself as evidence, I can get very distracted and log on Facebook while doing my homework. Although I may get distracted often while doing schoolwork, I feel that the digital world has helped my achievement in school. When I may not understand a topic, I can always look up what it is or how to do it.

  42. In my opinion, I agree with what the article is saying about how technology is interfering with our learning. Honestly, before writing this comment, I was on YouTube listening to music, and chatting on Facebook. That’s what always distracts me at night, and leaves me to do my homework at nine or ten at night. Sometimes the computer can be a benefit when looking up information that isn't in your book, or as an online dictionary. On the other hand, it’s also a distraction, and when students get bored with their assignments they log onto Facebook, talk with their friends and forget all about their homework till they are tired and ready for bed. Access to the digital world has both helped and hindered. It has helped share other people’s knowledge with others all around the world, communicate faster, and write this comment I'm going to post. Although it has benefits, it has also hindered our achievements in school for most. People say they are just going to log on Facebook real quick, and they might see their friends are online, and get into a conversation, and end up getting distracted. It’s a complicated situation, the most students can do is just to manage out their time, and take responsibility that it’s their job to do and finish their homework at night.

  43. I agree with the argument that the article makes. Students in the digital era are becoming more and more social with technology. Studying while texting or listening to music could distract you and pull you from your train of thought. This can result in lower grades and a decrease in attention span. Technology of today may be distracting but if used in the correct manner, it can be an incredible source.

  44. I agree with the argument the article makes about the impact of digital devices and the Internet on students' education. The computer and your cell phone are main distraction while trying to get school work done, making it take longer or having it be incomplete. I feel that my access to the Internet and my cell phone have hurt my achievement in school, because it's so easy to get distracted by it making you forget about homework or blow off studying. Without texting or the computer, it'd be much easier to work efficiently on homework. I don't think getting rid of our access to the digital world is the solution, but limiting our access would definitely help.

  45. I agree with the article that students spend way to much time on their computer doing pointless things, and procrastinate daily. If students who use the internet to much found out how to manage their time, and not procrastinate their grades would increase and they could still keep their social sites. I also think it’s important for parents to manage their time too. With all the new social and cool internet sites it’s very hard for some people to manage their time. I believe that the internet has helped and hindered my achievements. It helps because you can find nearly anything on the internet, but some social sites like facebok can be addicting and very huge time wasters.

  46. I agree because I think that now days all we have to go to is google and we have the world at our fingertips. I think that as children we should focus on what we know is better for our education and will help us get to college rather than for hours just text or get on facebook. I think that in some cases because we have to maybe look up something but most of the time we use the internet for like facebook or youtube! So think that we should put down the laptops and start putting our heads a bit more in the books!

  47. After reading the article, "Growing Up Digital" my opinion on whether I agree or disagree on the article about the impact of digital devices and the Internet on students' education would be that I agree. I believe that these new technological devices are getting in the way with our students and childrens working habits. But I also believe that my access to the digital world has both helped, but hindered my achievement in school. I believe it helps because the internet has the answer to most questions that you have or that you are stuck on. I also believe that the technology hinders your achievement in school because it can get you off topic easily and get in the way of your learning.

  48. I totally agree with the argument the article makes about the impact of digital devices and the Internet on students' education. Even though I am a very big fan of the Internet and texting, I do admit that all this technology has gone a little overboard over the years. I personally text a lot and I go on Facebook a lot as well. Facebook is basically a site where you can chat with other people, look at people’s pictures, and information on what’s going on in life, therefore you feel like you aren’t missing out on anything. I text because either I feel like I’m missing out on everything that’s going on or I’m just bored and I need some one to talk to. I honestly feel my access to the digital world has personally hindered my achievements in school. If Facebook, texting, YouTube, ext. didn’t exist, I could easily have straight A’s. Facebook and texting especially really has distracted me from all my schoolwork. I know that school is the most important thing in my life right now, but this whole social life on the Internet and on the phone, has really impacted my success in school. Every time my mom tells me to do my homework, I just go on my computer and usually forget about it because I’m on Facebook until it’s 9 or even 10. It’s also impacted my sleeping hours because I usually do all my homework late at night. This is because I spend all my time on the Internet or texting with my friends.

  49. I agree and disagree with the argument the article makes about the impact of digital devices and the Internet on students’ education. Also, I feel like my access to the digital world has both helped and hindered my achievement in school. First of all, on the Internet you can learn new things faster and easier than a textbook. In addition, you can learn things more in depth than what’s in a textbook. So, with that in mind, it has helped me academically. On the other hand, I think that the Internet has hindered my achievement in school because there are distractions on the Internet.

  50. I agree that digital devices and the internet have a huge impact in a student's grades. Many students spend most of their time using digital devices such as cell phones, iPods, and computers. Since computers have become more available more and more people are getting access to the internet. Many students’ grades have been dropping because of their lack of attention. Even students admit that due to digital devices and the internet have had a role in their grades.

  51. I do not agree with this article, "Growing up Digital." I do believe that computers sometimes can pose as a distraction, but it's up to the person to use moderation with it. Just like my mom says to use moderation with candy, I believe this always abides with computers aswell. Students need to take responsibility for their homework, but using computers here and there won't hurt.
