To this day, Christopher Columbus remains a controversial character in history. Historians have differing opinions on whether Columbus should be considered friend or foe. You've read three biographies on Christopher Columbus that express different viewpoints of him:
Biography #1,
Biography #2, and
Biography #3. Based on your reading of all three pieces, what is your opinion of Columbus? How would you describe him: great explorer, greedy bumbler, hero, villain, visionary, businessman, adventurer? Why? In addition, do you feel we should celebrate him on Columbus Day in the United States? Why or why not?
Your blog response must present clear answers to all questions in the prompt. Also, be sure to support your opinion with details. Furthermore, you should read the responses of fellow students and attempt to reference a classmate's viewpoint in some way (agree or disagree). Your response should follow the AWP for conventions; however, if you are able to adequately answer all parts of the prompt in less than eight sentences, a shorter paragraph is acceptable. Remember to be respectful of the views of others in your discussion.