Sunday, September 13, 2009

Debating Columbus

To this day, Christopher Columbus remains a controversial character in history. Historians have differing opinions on whether Columbus should be considered friend or foe. You've read three biographies on Christopher Columbus that express different viewpoints of him: Biography #1, Biography #2, and Biography #3. Based on your reading of all three pieces, what is your opinion of Columbus? How would you describe him: great explorer, greedy bumbler, hero, villain, visionary, businessman, adventurer? Why? In addition, do you feel we should celebrate him on Columbus Day in the United States? Why or why not?

Your blog response must present clear answers to all questions in the prompt. Also, be sure to support your opinion with details. Furthermore, you should read the responses of fellow students and attempt to reference a classmate's viewpoint in some way (agree or disagree). Your response should follow the AWP for conventions; however, if you are able to adequately answer all parts of the prompt in less than eight sentences, a shorter paragraph is acceptable. Remember to be respectful of the views of others in your discussion.


  1. Although he is one of history's most talked about explorer, my opinion is that he does deserve it. Some people think that he was a great person because he discovered America. However, all he did was thought that he went to India. Amerigo Vespucci actually figured out that he had reached the New World; he should get all the credit. The only reason he went on his journey was to see if the earth was square and for the money. We should have Amerigo Vespucci Day. Columbus was a greedy man who just thought of himself and no one else.

  2. Christopher Columbus is known as many things and each person has their own beliefs. To me Christopher was just an explorer who made many great discoveries. Some may think he is a dishonorable person. Others think that he is one of the greatest people who ever lived. According to my beliefs Christopher Columbus is a respectful person who like any other human made some bad decisions in his day. He may have put many things in danger but if it weren’t for him we wouldn’t have this magnificent country named America. The fact that Columbus has a day dedicated to him is a good thing to me. It’s a day when people get to learn about that explorer that discovered this precious land. Columbus was an average human that made mistakes but yet made the world what it is today.

  3. I think that Christopher Colombus was neither a hero or a villian. I think that he was just a lucky man that was at the right time at the right place. When he went out to explore the ocean, he never new he discovered America. Whats more is that he had to beg for the money to explore, and probably wouldv'e been a lowly beggar if the king hadn't given him the money. The English only found out that they had discovered a new world after Christopher Columbus. I do not think that we should celebrate Christopher Columbus. Not only did he not even know that he found America, but he also wasn't even the first to land up on America's shores. It has been proven that the vikings arrived before the English, and before them the Romans. Christopher Columbus was just very lucky, and dosn't even deserve the tital of the discoverer of America

  4. My opinion about Columbus is he is the founder of America, So we should celebrate Columbus day in the United State's, because if it wasnt for him, America may have not been found, or would have been found later. I think he is an adventurer because he found America but that was not his goal, he wanted to find a new route to Asia but with luck found America.

  5. Columbus was a true hero. He discovered the land we live on now and we should be thankful for that. I agree with biography #1. It tells us that Christopher Columbus was a brave adventurer that would have done anything to go on a risk-taking journey. He studied astrology, chronicles, and Greek philosophy until he truly new the shape of the world. Although some people believe that Columbus was a greedy, selfish man, I believe otherwise. In the United States, we celebrate Christopher Columbus Day. I believe this day is special and that it should be dedicated specifically to Columbus. Although at the time Columbus did not know he would discover a land where millions live today, we should still be thankful and consider him a true hero in history.

  6. I think Christopher Columbus had great luck with his journey to find America. Even though he did not find what he was looking for but, I think he found something better. I think that we should celebrate Columbus Day in the United States because, even though he did not find what he was looking for he found and helped develope North America.

  7. Based on what I read I believe that Columbus was an explorer at heart but he was also foolish. He didn’t understand how hard the journey would be but he had a lot of faith. I do think that he was blindly heading in what he thought was the right direction and lucky for him he found the bahamas. Columbus discovering the bahamas taught people of the new world which encouraged people to support voyages there and explore more. So in an indirect way, Columbus did discover the new world just not entirely by himeself. Though he didn’t really discover America I believe that celebrating that day is still a good idea. It gives people a day to reconized our nation and who helped us find it.

  8. I feel Columbus is a very greedy and inconsiderate person. Reading the three biographies about this explorer, I have come to both good and bad conclusions about him. It seems like, though, the bad things over power most of the few decent comments about this explorer. He was very obsessed with money and didn’t seem to care much for others, which is why I feel we should not celebrate Columbus Day. Furthermore, Columbus was not even the first explorer to sail to the new worlds or the Americas. On top of that, he got there by mistake. So his so called discovery of new land which he didn’t even know was new land at the time was pretty much all luck.

  9. My opinion on Christopher Columbus is: I think he was an adventurer and a hero. I don't think he was a great explorer, because he didn't find what he was looking for. But, he was very lucky and found the "new worlds". We should celebrate Columbus on Columbus day becuase if he didnt find the Americas then who knows if anyone would of, and maybe it wouldn't be like this today!

  10. Columbus may have been a great man, or he may have been an awful man, but either way, he was the first European to make a western land known to exist. He may have thought that America was India, but it was America just the same and that’s what matters, nothing else. Even if he was a deceitful, greedy, and cruel business man, we shouldn’t care about his personality, only his accomplishments. If it wasn’t for him, who knows if we would live in this beautiful, advanced, and free country. Amerigo Vesspucci may have been the first one to know that America wasn’t Asia, but he may have never discovered that if Columbus hadn’t come here in the first place. Columbus Day is important to America because we probably wouldn’t be living in the amazing country if it wasn’t for him.

  11. I would definitely say that Christopher Columbus is a great explorer because he was the first European to discover America. I think that Christopher Columbus is a great explorer because he was brave enough to cross the ocean with his crew. Even though Christopher Columbus was laughed at by his associates at his idea of crossing the ocean, I think we should celebrate Columbus Day proudly because if it wasn’t for Christopher Columbus we probably wouldn’t be living here, even though there is a possibility that someone else could have discovered America. Christopher Columbus, not only was he a brave explorer but he was a committed explorer t because it took him six excruciating years to convince the royal couple king Ferdinand and queen Isabella, to sponsor his voyage to America.

  12. People think of Christopher Columbus as being a hero. However, this is an illusion. Christopher was nothing more than a failed man who got lucky and accidentally “discovered” the New World on his greed-driven expedition to Asia. Also, current evidence points to the fact that the Vikings got to North America before him. History simply gave credit to Columbus because he was more “civilized” than the Vikings, a terrible stereotype. Besides never once accomplishing anything in his life, Christopher was a cruel tyrant more akin to a slave-driver than an explorer. He demanded that the natives of the lands that he visited give his crew supplies or die by beheading. In light of Christopher Columbus’s life, I do not think that we should observe Columbus Day. Who wants to celebrate a man who didn’t possess compassion, kindness, or honor?

  13. I think Columbus is a great explorer. Without him we would have never had discovered america. It is alittle stupid that he thought it was asia and didnt claim it as his land but i like america way better than columbusland. the people in bigraphies 2 and 3 are really biased saying columbus was a terrible exporer. I think they overexaggerated it. At least he realized that he missed a chance to be one of the people to first find anew land. I think we should celebrate columbus day to show that we aprieciate what he did because without him we wouldnt have this beautiful country to live in. Its also mportant to know what we are celebrating for.

  14. After reading the three biographies of Christopher Columbus, I believe he was a very curious yet stubborn man. Although he achieved much, he did so on accident, so I think he is a man who wanted importance, wealth and power.In biography number one, it says his father was a "modest weaver", and that Columbus "could have easily learned his father's trade and spent the rest of his life at home making cloth of cotton and wool."This is another reason i think he was after the money, because if he did indeed learn his fathers trade, he would be poor and unknown. I do admire his hard-headed personality though, because if he gave up after everyone else laughed at him and said he was stupid, there might not have been the North America we have today. I do not think we should celebrate Columbus Day, though, because he didn't even know where he was! Instead I think we should celebrate the finding in its whole, and mention the fact that Christopher Columbus was the first to accidentally find it. Although in his defense it was the starting of our nation.

  15. I don't think Christopher Columbus was a nice person. I think he was just a greedy person and only thought about himself. In biography 3 the author wrote about the cruel things that Columbus did. One of those was how he cut off the Indian's hands if they didn't bring him gold every month. I do not think we should celebrate Columbus Day because he was greedy and that resulted in the cruelty to the Indians who were in America first.

  16. Based on the three biographies I read, the opinion I have of Christopher Columbus is that he was a good man that made a few mistakes in his life. I would describe him as a an adventurer. As a boy he would go on boats to learn the ways of seamen. He must have wanted to explore the world and see what it had to offer, because he asked many kings, before the king of Spain, for boats to travel to Asia. I do think that we should celebrate him on Columbus Day, because even though he made mistakes, his accomplishments overshadow them.

  17. I believe Columbus got extremely lucky, but wasn’t nessicarily stupid. He might have been trying to reach Asia, but he still did correct calculations to reach the nearest land mass. Sometimes he might have been cruel to his crew, but it was the accepted practice at the time. I believe we should celebrate his legacy. It is an important thing that led to our very existence. It marked the discovery of our continent. It also led to the Columbian exchange. It is a very important event that should be celebrated.

  18. I think Christopher Columbus is a great explorer. He was the founder of our continent. I think he is a great explorer. Some people think that he found our continent by accident, but I think he knew what he was doing. He is a brave and great adventurer. I do think we should celebrate Columbus Day every year. He found our continent and with out him, I don’t know where we would be right now. Christopher is the greatest explorer in the world.

  19. I believe that Colombus is a very important explorer to this day. Colombus was known for exploring the bahamas and many other lands. Colombus started exploring because he went broke. Due to him being broke he had to go to his brothers house. His brother was a map maker so colombud learned how to read maps and started gettting intrested in exploring. That was just a little background of what I read. Colombus to my opinion wasn’t all that of a good explorer. Due to the fact that he only did it because he went broke. Christopher to my point wasn’t into it like other explorers were. Colombus was in a way good since he did find land, but not as may as other explorers. Colombus to me was just another explorer

  20. Christopher Columbus was said to be one of the best explorers of all time just because he came across America by chance. But, what did he do to deserve a holiday? There is legitimate evidence that people had been to America long before Columbus but I don’t see a Viking’s day. The fact clearly state that we were named after Amerigo Vespucci, where’s his day on the calendar? If Columbus was reckless enough to jump on any ship he could find rather than confirm where he wanted to go and make sure he was with the proper people, he’s nothing but a terrible influence. I’m not saying Christopher Columbus wasn’t a great explorer; it’s just my opinion that he was wrongly credited for the discovery on this continent and that Columbus Day should be thought over.

  21. Based on my reading from all three biographies, I think that Columbus was a great explorer. I think that he is a great explorer because in both biographies #1 and #2 the authors are telling us how Columbus was an excellent man. I also think that he is a great explorer because he never gave up when people like King John II had laughed at his plan to travel across the ocean sea. Because of him not giving up, he was sponsored by King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella on his voyage. For his voyage he wanted to sail his boat to Asia, but he never made it. Instead he found the United States of America. This is why we should celebrate him on Columbus Day in the United States.

  22. Based on the three biographies I believe that Columbus was a man that wasn't all bad, but made a few wrong turns. I think that over his life he became a little obsessive with money and lost a view of the important things in life. So to answer the question I would describe him as greedy. I do agree with Jed, however, when she said he is a great explorer, but I think his reasons for becoming an explorer were slightly corrupt. Do I think that we should celebrate Columbus Day in California? My opinion is yes, we should. Even though Columbus was a greedy money obsessed explorer, he was still a good adventurer, and he did discover our country, and I think that is worthy of a holiday.

  23. I believe we should not celebrate Columbus Day. Christopher Columbus did not actually find America. He was not even sure he discovered it, it was done by luck not knowledge. People say Columbus "Led the way into the future". Columbus "discovered" America accidently and without navigating tools, instead he "discovered" it by luck. I do not want the future to be led by luck. I believe most people would agree that they do not want the future to be based on luck, but by facts and knowledge.

  24. I think that Christopher Columbus was a great man minus the fact that he was a greedy and foolish man. I think that America should not celebrate Columbus Day because before he set sail he was a heavy drinker, was poor and greedy. What made Christopher Columbus interesting is that he had a thrive for adventure. After he set sail he landed on an island. On the island he was racist against the Native Americans. If the Indians did not bring gold to him Christopher Columbus would have their hands cut off. This is why I think that we shouldn't celebrate Columbus Day.

  25. In my opinion Columbus was a good explorer. He did deliver the idea of new unused land to expand. After his findings he had written books on the new world and told story of the greatness. But he didn’t talk about the natives already there. He made more Europeans come the America achieving his goal to explore and expand. But the natives there didn’t get the credit of already being there on the mainland. Chris did rep up the new land and luxuries there for all of our relatives to come to America and get a new start. In my opinion I don’t think there should be a Columbus Day, it’s just too much credit for what he did. He did have a good accomplishment but it I don’t think it was enough. Also many people helped him and other people had done equivalent thing and not remembered fairly.

  26. I think Christopher Columbus was a greedy man because all he wanted was riches. I think we shouldn’t celebrate Columbus Day because Christopher Columbus only found the Caribbean not North or South America. When he first got to the island he treated the natives so badly that when they came to him with no gold in their hands he’d have their hands cut off. This is why I think that we shouldn’t celebrate Columbus Day.

  27. Christopher Columbus had made many achievements in his lifetime. I believe that he should be considered a huge friend for all Americans. Columbus was a great explorer and I don’t think he gets the credit that he should. Such as his holiday, nobody really celebrates it, but we should! I think we should celebrate this event because if it weren’t for Christopher columbic, we might not even be here.

  28. Based on my readings of paragraphs one, two, and three my opinion is that Christopher Columbus was a fine explorer but recieved way to much credit for what he did. I mean we are debating him alone but there was a crew on that ship as well and those other just as hard working men did not recieve a bit of fame in return. Maybe some sailors didn't even recieve any money! Most of them sure as heck earned it though. Columbus was the name heard all over the world when his ships landed in the "Unknown Land" now known as the Americas. He lead the Pinta, Nina, and Santa Maria to America but he was not the onler person on those ships. He deserves most credit I'll admit but not all like he recieved. For example ther should not be a Columbus Day, call it the finding of the Americas Day or something else other than just his name. So i don't think he was some kind of bad guy or a good guy, just an either lucky or skilled captain who managed to get three ships with survivors to the Americas

  29. Columbus was a man who did not have the intentions of finding America. He wanted power and wealth. He did not keep his promise that whoever saw land first would get a reward. He always traveled alone. He could have stayed to do what his father had done, but he decided to discover a new route for Asia. However, Columbus was very confident and even though they laughed at him, he decided to still do what he wanted. I think we should celebrate Columbus Day because even though he was a greedy adventurer, he did come across America, and if it werent for him, America would have been discovered later and all of History would have changed if it wasnt for him.

  30. After reading the three biographies, I think it's actually really hard to decide my opinion on Christopher Columbus. I do think he did some good in discovering the New World, but then there are all the other opinions about what he did when he got there. I just think it's really hard to decide what is fact or fiction. In biography #1, it pretty much says he risked his life in searching for this New World, which makes him sound pretty heroic. But in biography #3, it talks about once he got on land, he enslaved the Indians and demanded them to bring gold to him.
    I hope I'm not the only one that's slighty confused. Again, I just don't know who to side with. It just sounds like no one really has their facts straight about Christopher Columbus.

  31. My perspective about Christopher Columbus had changed after I read the three biographies on him. I never knew that he was clumsy and a very great person, but I already knew that he was a great explorer and that he had made many voyages in his life to the new land that he had found. The things that I did not know are that he was a very selfish and greedy person, and when the people in the towns that he found did not bring him riches and gold he punished them. Also it said that he was a very dumb and foolish when it came to his traveling. I also think that it is a good thing that we celebrate him on Columbus Day, because without his discoveries we probably would not have America as it is today.

  32. Christopher Columbus is one of the most debated explorers in history. Many historians and authors have very biased opinions about him in their writings, and that can affect how we think of Columbus. I personally believe that Christopher Columbus was an adventurer, and a hero. From humble beginnings, Columbus was a poor man who wandered around aimlessly. Many thought of him as a hopeless fool, a bumbler. He found a job sailing three ships in search of a new route to Asia, from Spain. Instead of Asia, he landed in the Bahamas, but thought that he was in India. Although Columbus was thought to be a failure, and that he never found the new route to Asia, Christopher Columbus led an important exploration, and should be celebrated on Columbus Day in America.

  33. Columbus, I believe is a hero to the Americas for finding this land. He was also a very informed explorer with his knowledge of the world. Because, he also knew where to go to find a safe and quick route to Asia. He was also an adventure taking on many voyages in his life. People do say he is a fool or a wander because he went to the King and Queen of Spain with no money for anything. But after six years of trying to bargain the king and queen said yes to his voyage to Asia. Now after crucial years of sailing he found land and settled and told the King and Queen of Spain. I do think we should celebrate Columbus Day in North America. Because, he was the adventure who found the land we live on now. Also, because he stuck to his dream of sailing even though he did it for life and found many lands and took short but dangerous. He is a Sailor who should be remembered even though he passed away centuries ago.

  34. In my opinion, Columbus should not be considered a good explorer. The thing he is most famous for is discovering America, and he didn't even discover it. He was trying to find a trade route to Asia, and because he had the wrong calculations, he stumbled upon America. On the way he was also terrible to his sailors. When they were sick and hungry, he still made them hunt for gold. He also enslaved all the Indians living on the island before him and made them search for gold. He was so obsessed with finding gold that he turned greedy and cruel. He was a terrible, mean sailor and gets credit for something he didn’t do.

  35. I think that Christopher Columbus was a good but not honest explorer. He was the first European to discover America.
    Before Columbus set sail he was a very heavy drinker, he was also poor and greedy.I do not think we should celebrate Columbus because he found America by luck not by knowledge. And after he got back he got all the credit for himself and none for the crew.

  36. I think Christopher Columbus was a great explorer. He traveled to many locations, some that were never known of. His greatest finding of land, was the discovery of "The New World." But Christopher Columbus was not a man of great character. He was a greedy man. He would rule the places he discovered, and demanded labor and money from the people. Those who did not serve him were brutally punished. He was also very unfair. He thought that whatever he discovered was his. He wouldn't give a thing to anyone but the people that sent him there. And he always bargained with the rulers to get more of what he found. And usually when he bargained he recieved a high amount of land and money. He was a greedy man, but contributed a lot to the world. He was so great, that we now celebrate Columbus day. But I do not think he deserves it. He did terrible things, and did more damage to civilations and people than he did help them.

  37. My opinion on Columbus is that he was a great explorer. I like how he loved the ocean and had dreams about sailing and exploring new places.
    If I was Columbus, I would go on an expendition to the Artic Circle. But, he didn't know he would end up in North America instead of Asia.
    His discovery of The Americas led to more expenditions to The Amerias. He is an inspiration to all of those who live in America today.

  38. I think Christopher Columbus was a great explorer. He was a great explorer and deserves a holiday. He has been written about in many books. Even though he did not discover America, he did discover the New World. Even the Queen of England dbouted him. Against all odds, he sailed across the Atlantic Ocean and discovered Cuba! Once the people in Spain heard there was new land across the ocean, it was a race for new land, against other countries and a race against time.

  39. In my opinion Christopher Columbus was a greedy and selfish man. Columbus did find the new world but he didn’t give the Native Americans any credit for being there first. Also Columbus used the native Americans to get gold and wealth. He even made the natives pay him gold every month. If the natives didn’t pay him they would get their hands cut off. I think that on Columbus day he shouldn’t be recognized but the natives should be.

  40. I think Columbus’s voyages were a very important part in history but he was a greedy bumbler and wanted most of the gold for himself. Although he discovered some new parts of America he also demanded gold from the Native Americans every three months and if they came to him empty handed he would cut off their hands. He did some good things however, all he did was thought that he went to India. Amerigo Vespucci actually figured out that he had reached the New World; he should get all the credit. And we shouldn’t celebrate Columbus Day.

  41. My opinion on Christopher Columbus is: I think he was a great explorer becuase he found "new worlds." He was also a really good busines man from genoa, a port in Italy. Some people may say that christopher is not a good explorer, but I still disagree. He found new world I think that is great. we should celebrate columbus day becuase he was a great explorer.

  42. Based on what I read, I don't take sides on whether he is a good person or not. One thing I do know is that the only reason he went out to search for new land, was because he was paid. This shows that he is a greedy man, but does that mean he's a bad guy? No it doesn't. I still call him an adventurer because he still explored and discovered new land like he was supposed to. The question that i still even ask myself is why do we celebrate Columbus Day anyway? He doesn't deserve to be recognized that greatly. So, my point being, I don't think that he was neither good nor bad, even though he was a greedy man who enjoyed to drink.

  43. Although some individuals might praise and look at Columbus like a savior, and others view him as the lowest villain there is, my opinion about him is somewhere in the middle. I believe Christopher Columbus was a great explorer, but fueled by greed. However, greed could be transformed into purpose, and that is exactly Although he might’ve been a drunk or devious, he led the exploration to find the place where we live today, whether he knew it or not; and I think the fact that he did should not just be discarded like it was nothing. Other main people in history that are celebrated, or just recognized as a big part of history could have personalities similar to Columbus, but still have done things for the country and are renowned for it. I think Columbus should have the same right. Columbus Day is not celebrating Christopher Columbus as a man, but as a great explorer and his noble accomplishments.

  44. My opinion is that we should celebrate Columbus Day because he was one of the great explorers that anyone has seen. Although many people had their doughts about him in the Biographies and some of the authors really thought he was a great guy, they just can't agree with each other. I do agree that he nagged a lot of people to sponsor him for his journey and I'm wondering, where is his own money? Even though I wonder why he has no money, I do believe he made a great contribution to history as an explorer and I believe we should celebrate Columbus Day positively.

  45. Based on the three biographies, I believe that Christopher Columbus was a good and bad person. He was very greedy, and he definitely shouldn't of cut of the Indian's hands when they didn't bring him gold, mentioned in biography 3. But he was a young boy, who achieved his goals in becoming an explorer. Even though, he might of discovered America by luck, its okay because that's what he was aiming for, was to find new land. So I think that the Americans who like Columbus should celebrate him, and others who don't like him, don't have to celebrate Columbus day.

  46. Christopher Columbus is the founder of America. I personally don’t think he was a nice person just because many people had to take orders from Columbus. Columbus traveled across the Atlantic ocean. Columbus had three ships that traveled to Santa Maria. Eventually Columbus traveled to Spain. Columbus discovered many of the lands that we have now. Such as countries and more.

  47. I don't believe that Columbus deserved the fame he got. Not to say that he was a bad person, more that he was just selfish and didn't care all too much about others. He did not respect that the Native Americans had already owned that land for a couple centuries by the time he got there - thinking only of the amazing fame that would rain down on him when he got back to Europe. For these reasons I see Columbus as a business-man-type-character. I personally don't believe that there should be a Columbus Day, but that there should instead be a 'Sorry Native Americans For Kicking You Off Of Your Land Day'.

  48. I think Christopher Columbus is a great and bad explorer because he found the Caribbean islands. But every body said that Christopher Columbus was the founder of the United States which is not true the Vikings found America first and other explorers found America first. That is why Christopher Columbus is great explorer and a bad explorer. I would describe him as a great intelligent man. I don’t really think we should celebrate him because he did not find America.

  49. Some people think that Christopher Columbus is a non-trustworthy man and others think that he is a great hero. My opinion is that Christopher Columbus was a good explorer and made great achievements. I think he was trustworthy because of his accomplishments and determination. I also think that because he was a really determined explorer, he should be well respected and is a hero. I think we should celebrate Columbus Day because without Christopher Columbus, we would not be where we are today.

  50. Before reading biographies 2 and 3, I never knew that Columbus was so looked down upon by so many people. I had always thought that Columbus was viewed as the good guy, the explorer who showed the Americas to the rest of the world. I also did not know about any of the horrible things he did, like cutting of the hands of the Native Americans when they couldn't supply any more gold. I think there should be a Columbus Day, because Columbus discovered something really big, that was too important to not recognize.

  51. My opinion of Columbus has changed a little bit after reading the biographies of him. In my
    opnion he was an explorer that wanted to find new lands and explore new places. He also
    wanted to find a route to Asia through the Atlantic. Also, I don't really have an opinion on whether we should celebrate him or not because some biographies stated that he was a greedy explorer that was going only for the gold. Literally. However, some people could celebrate him if they want because they might have their own opinion and view on him.

  52. Christopher Columbus was indeed a great explorer, but of what? Was he able to get to America by skill,or just luck? In my opinion, Columbus was a greedy, villainous explorer. He was a businessman on a quest for profit. It was just chance that European rulers wanted a new route to trade goods from Asia. With Queen Isabella and King Ferdinad hiring him, he was heading Northwest to Asia. After many countless, failed attempts to reach Asia, he found the "New World".On October 12, 1492, he had reached what he thought was India. As the greedy man Columbus was, he sought riches in this land. He took gold from every adult Taino, and was cruel to his own men. I think that because of everything he did and was, that we as Americans should not celebrate Columbus Day. As McKenzie 4-5 said,"He was wrongly credited for the discovery on this continent and that Columbus Day should be thought over." It was luck that brought Christopher Columbus here, and he should not be recognized for that reason.

  53. Based on my reading, Christopher Columbus was a great explorer in many ways. He was the founder of our land. He was so great beacuse he made great dicoveries, by finding our land. I feel that we should celebrate Columbus in the United States every day becuase he desevers it. We should remember him for his discoveries becuase he was a awsome explorer. We should also celebrate him because if he didn't diacover our lands, I wonder were we would be right now....?

  54. Columbus was originally sponsored to find a new route to Asia by sailing west, but he landed in the Bahamas, thinking he was in India. This was the start of the term "American Indians". He returned to Spain telling the rulers that he found Asia, and many valuable goods that could be brought back in great amounts if more sailors were sent to "Asia". After two more trips to "Asia", he finally died of poor health, and Amerig Vespucci sailed to the land where Columbus had found. Immediately he knew this was not Asia, and called this place "The New World". A German cartographer named this place America after Vespucci, and the name remains still. Columbus's reputation was somewhat spoiled, but people do give him credit for first discovering this new land that Vespucci identified. Therefore I think that the name America should remain for this continent, but we should also celebrate Comlumbus Day to remember the man who made his share of mistakes, but started all the good things to come.

  55. I believe that Columbus is a great explorer and adventurer. Columbus just wanted to see the world which is why starting at the age of fifteen he was getting on every charter ship he could. He had sailed all around Europe and the Middle East. At the age of twenty five he wanted to do an exploration around the world to try and hit Asia. He learned how to make maps from his brother and soon had made that he believed would take him around the world. It took Columbus six years before he could get sponsored. Finally Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand said they would sponsor his trip. He got together a crew and three ships and set out on his journey. A few months later he hit land, but it wasn't Asia it was undiscovered land. So, yes i believe that we should celebrate Columbus day because he is the one who found our nation and led people to come and explore it. Without him finding America who knows when we of found it. So he has contributed a lot to America's history.

  56. Many people may believe that Christopher Columbus was in fact a very helpful person and contributor who made grand discoveries. There are good and bad things that you can say about him but the way I view Christopher Columbus is as an extremely greedy, foolish, and selfish man. All he wanted was money and he would do anything to get his hands on it. Christopher made enslaved Indians bring gold to him and if they didn’t then they would have their hands chopped off. There wasn’t much gold on the island and it was awfully hard to find but that didn’t stop him from doing the worst to the Indians. He didn’t care about others and didn’t listen to anyone else. I also think he was unwise because he made people hunt for food and gold even when they were horribly ill. I’m not saying that I think he is a disgrace to our history but he made many poor choices that other people suffered from. Even though he made contributions and helped find the Americas, I think that we should not celebrate Columbus Day.

  57. In my opinion of Columbus is that he was a great explorer and adventurer. He was a true hero. He found new land; he brought back new crops, animals, and recourses. He was very brave to take on this the dangers of the ocean. I think we should celebrate Columbus Day because if it wasn’t for him, there wouldn’t be a United States of America. So Columbus Day is pretty much a thank you to Christopher Columbus.

  58. Columbus was both lucky and a great explorer. he was looking for asia sure but he still was heading in the right direction. when he came to america he thought he had found india. i dont think that was too briliant but they had no prior knowledge of this foreign territory. it took a lot of luck to have made it as far as he did. being greedy also may have had a part in it. he knew if he found thae way to cut prices by having direct trade to asia,he would be seen as an important person.
