Monday, November 9, 2009

Analyze This: The Bill of Rights

Analyze the political cartoon above. What does each character in the cartoon symbolize? What do you think is the message of the cartoon? How might this cartoon pertain to American government today?


  1. I think that this joke is talking about liberty, justice, and the people. It is talking about liberty and justice, and how they are basically fighting over each other. The person lifting them up represents the people. That is saying that while liberty and justice a fighting we the people are the ones suffering. So while the two main aspects of America are fighting each other, we the people have to suffer by paying taxes.

  2. In this political cartoon, there are many ideas that you could take out of it. The idea I got was that the man underneath that is balancing everything out is Uncle Sam. To me, Uncle Sam stands for the United States of America. The Statue of Liberty on the left is representing freedom, and the person on the right represents government. America is trying to have a reliable government while still giving the colonists freedom. This proves difficult to do though, and the government can’t please everyone.

  3. The women on the left indicates freedom. It shows that everyone should be equal and have equal rights. The person on the right shows goverment and politics. Every nation needs a goverment to survive or for the goverment to make choices for the nation. The man in the middle symbolizes people. There needs to be people in a nation for every thing to balance out. Such as if there were no people, what were laws made for. With out a goverment or freedom, or even people, the nation would't work. With out a goverment, who would make the laws. Our goverment is exactly like this because we have freedom, a goverment, and citizens to obey the law, but also have freedom.

  4. I believe that the cartoon symbolizes the early stages of America's struggle in trying to be a free country. The figure on the right side of the board (Lady Liberty) represents freedom and the right to pursues one's own dreams; the figure on the left side of the board represents order, hence the scales of justice. The man in the middle (Uncle Sam) is a patriotic Congressman trying to bear the weights on both sides of the board and balance the amount of freedon to order, as to let citizens lead a free life, but still have a reponsible style of governing and keeping control over the population. This cartoon may still apply now, as new laws and restrictions are still being made to control the people of the United States of America but not to limit their freedom.

  5. The person on the left represents the basic rights of all men: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, while the person on the right is the legal system trying to keep our country together. The man in the middle represents the U.S. government trying to balance out the two. The cartoon means the government should not be leaning towards one or the other but trying to keep in equal importance.

  6. The cartoon above symbolizes how government should be. The character to the far left symbolizes liberty and freedom which are both highly valued to Americans. The character to the far right symbolizes order. Order includes laws, rulers, and other things that keep a country from getting out of control. The middle character symbolizes American government, and its struggle to keep its country free and in order. The cartoon's message is that in order to have a successful country, liberty and order must be balanced. If they are not balanced, then the country will fail altogether. This is also how American government is today. Liberty and freedom are important values to Americans, but without order and laws, Americans wouldn't be able to enjoy their freedom. As well as the other way around; with too much order and too many laws, Americans wouldn't be free at all. This is how American government works. Order and liberty are balanced, and that is how it should be.

  7. In the early days of the United States, our nation faced several challenges. Besides winning independence from Britain, America had to establish a government that protected the people and their rights. The given cartoon depicts the issues involved with finding a balance between the freedom and order needed to unify and protect a populace. The characters in the picture include a Statue of Liberty, which represents the independence of the people, and the Figure of Justice, standing for the necessary presence of a governing body in society. The fact that they are on a teeter-totter symbolizes the need for equilibrium with the right amounts of personal freedom and power for the government to hold. Even today, there is still debate about the power the government should hold. For example, current health care reform may eventually call for voting in each state to decide what health care bill to enact. Political cartoons remain a popular way to share ideas about the government.

  8. In the cartoon, the character with the torch represents liberty, and the character on the right represents order. The message of the cartoon is that each side is fighting to have it their way and make the other side lose. The carton pertains to American government today because it may represent Republican and Democrat trying to have it their way as far as laws passed.

  9. I think that the character in the right side symbolizes free liberty, and the one on the left the order, the man with order is blindfold which means that there was more need for liberty than for order. Now the American government has freedom, liberty and order.

  10. The woman on the left symbolizes freedom and liberty. The woman on the left symbolizes a king or queen of England abusing their power. That is why she is wearing a blindfold and holding a scale. She can't see the unbalancmed power in the government. The guy in the middle is trying to keep the peace between Britain and America. This cartoon says that we should keep peace with other countries.

  11. This is hard to explain. On the left there is Lady Liberty who represents the peoples rights, on the right there is someone (I have seen before but do not remember who she is) who represents order and laws to keep people safe. In the middle, balancing the scale is Uncle Sam who represents the United States in general. Order and liberty have to balance to make the country as good as it can get. There has to be liberty to make people happy. Nevertheless, order has to be there to make things safe, which together make a perfect balance and make thing happy. But the problem is that order and liberty are incredibly hard to balance and almost never are. Even though order and liberty are almost impossible to balance, the United States is as free, safe, and balanced as it is going to be for a long time

  12. The Statue of Liberty symbolizes freedom, the blind judge symbolizes unseen laws. The message of the cartoon is that there is a constant struggle to balance liberties and order in our country. Even today we struggle with our liberties and laws to stay equal in strength.

  13. This cartoon and others were made to be a slightly lighter way to present issues. This particular cartoon is how America was trying to balance liberty and justice. Each person in this drawing represents something. The person struggling to hold up the balanced board is Uncle Sam who represents our country. The woman on the left is the statue of liberty and represents everyone’s liberty. Finally the lady on the right is the court symbol which represents justice and fairness. All of these together are what the country needs to be successful. The cartoon is showing that Uncle Sam is struggling to hold them both up. The message of this is that our country is struggling to maintain liberty and justice. This cartoon could still pertain to American government today because even now countries need to balance liberty and justice to be a stable, strong, and united country.

  14. The character on the right represents blind justice, and on the left the character represents liberty, and the one in the middle represents Uncle Sam and the United States. The message of the cartoon is that liberty, freedom and justtice should equally balanced. The government today says that everyone has the right to a fair trial and this means everyone is innocent until proven guilty.

  15. The Statue of liberty probably stands for liberty, and and the person on the right of the seesaw might stand for order because his measuring scale is equal. The scale probaly meeans no disturbances with the scale otherwise known as order. The person upholding the seesaw and itss characters is naturally Uncle Sam. He probably stands for the United States of America as a whole. The cartoon is showing how America is strruggling to balance out liberty and order in our country. This would mean government basically, and it is happening still in the government system. They are finding it hard to balance out order in liberty in America's laws, voting system, and more. This dispute over which should have more of an effect over the government will probably never be agreed completely on.

  16. In the political cartoon above, there are three characters. One of them, the one on the far left, symbolizes freedom. The one on the far right symbolizes justice. The one in the middle symbolizes our government. THis cartoon's message is that freedom and justice need to be kept in balance. This could apply today because the new laws being passed should always keep these things in balance.

  17. This cartoon is trying to symbolize a balance between liberty and order. In the middle, Uncle Sam is trying to balance both liberty, on the left, and Justice on the right. Justice, the right, has a blind fold because Justice was trying to make new guidelines that overlooked Liberty or freedom. This cartoon adds to the American Government today because now the government makes sure to balance freedom with a need for justice.

  18. The carton symbolizes liberty and justice in the United States. Uncle Sam on the bottom symbolizes American. The message it sends is that liberty and justice are hard to keep balanced and Uncle Sam is trying to keep them both balanced. Today that is still an issue.

  19. This cartoon has deeper meaning than it may provoke at first glance when you were to view it. It represents our government system back when the colonies were present. The person to the left is the statue of liberty representing freedom and liberty and equality among all people. To the right, is a person representing order and our government system. The man holding the two is representing our country. You may notice he is struggling to carry out and find a good balance between them. This represents our country America showing that it is not easy to balance out the rights and freedom of all people along with an orderly and controlled government. Though, this cartoon doesn’t only pertain to America back then, it most certainly still applies in the U.S. here today in the present. It is always a challenge to make the people happy with not only their freedom and rights but with the political side involving our government and the way it works affecting the people in a fair way to each person representing equality.

  20. In this cartoon, the character on the left symbolizes liberty and the character on the right symbolizes order. I think that the message of the cartoon is that in the English Bill of Rights, liberty, order, and the people were equal. In American government today, we might still have the same system: liberty, order, and the people are all equal. Overall, this cartoon symbolizes the old government and how it might be similar to our government today.

  21. I think that the two characters in the picture are liberty and order. I think that the lady on the left symbolizes liberty and the person on the right symbolizes order. I assume that the cartoon message is that there should be a balance between liberty and order because they are on a scale and the person in the middle is trying to keep the two in balance. This cartoon pertains to the American government because I think that Uncle Sam who is in the middle of the scale is representing the people and the balance between order and liberty still the system today.

  22. There are three characters in this cartoon. The character on the bottom symbolizes Uncle Sam, and therefore the people of the U.S. The woman on the left symbolizes liberty and freedom. The woman on the right symbolizes justice because she is holding a scale. I think that the message of this cartoon is to balance liberty and justice, but keeping it fair for the people of the U.S. This pertains to government today because of the three branches of government; judicial, executive, and legislative. There is one character for each branch.

  23. This cartoon symbolizes liberty and order. In the middle of the scale is Uncle Sam which probably represents freedom. This is similar to the American government today because the government today tries to balance these guidelines and they try to find what’s best for the people.

  24. This cartoon symbolizes life in early America because of how the early people had to balance liberty and order. In this cartoon, order means government. The early people wanted to have a say in their government and for the head of the government not to have too much power. This cartoon symbolizes liberty because the people wanted to break away from Britain and have a say in their government and religious freedom. The cartoon really symbolizes what early life in America was really about. However, it does also symbolize what American government it like today also. Our government is almost the exact same as it was back then. Our government wants liberty and order and that is what America is about today.

  25. The cartoon above shows the balance between developing a strong government and the freedom of people. I think the cartoon shows that it is a struggle to keep everything balanced, but completely possible if the correct amount of "weight" is placed into both categories. The cartoon pertains to American government today because todays government is balanced just like it is shown in the image. An example of this balance is when people vote for laws to be passed. That itself is a way the government and freedom are balanced.

  26. The picture shows how liberty and order are balanced. The Statue of Liberty shows liberty. The goddess holding the balance is order. Uncle Sam (representing government) is getting crushed by these two images. This shows that our liberty and order are balanced. This also shows how much pressure the government is gaining from trying to keep them balanced. They are on a see-saw which must represent that they get pushed back and forth by each other alot. I like how they show each political figure.

  27. I think that the picture means that there was a struggle to equalize liberty and justice. Having too much liberty may lead people to believe they can get away with anything. Some of these things may be crimes. Throughout the years they tried to make laws that were fair. This of course didn’t take a year it took many. Today we have a government that lets us be free but yet have reasonable limits. If for some reason we do cross these limits we will be punished in a way that is not cruel and inhumane. Thanks to many men and women that worked so hard to get what we deserve we have lour liberty.

  28. There are many things you could get out of this cartoon. I think that the cartoon message is that it is hard to balance out government with liberty and order. The woman on the left means liberty. The woman on the right means justice. The man in the middle represents the United States government. I think that it dosen't really pertain to todays government because our government is more organized than it was when the nation first started making our government.

  29. The man in the middle is Uncle Sam, who symbolizes the American government. The Statue of Liberty symbolizes freedom and the one to the right symbolizes justice. They are balancing themselves out, and uncle Sam is there to help them. Like today, freedom and justice are basic individual rights every American citizen should have, and like Uncle Sam, the American government helps us out.

  30. In this cartoon, I believe that the statue of liberty, which is seated on the left, represents freedom. Freedom from government control and foreign rule; freedom for everything that we feel is unjust. Lady Justice, who is seated on the right, represents order and law. I believe she indicates that justice should be blind; fair and should never waver because of the influences of money, power, or weakness. Since the beginning of our government, we’ve have been trying to create an equal balance between the two but there’s also been a conflict between protecting the rights of the people, and creating order to better unify them as one. I think this cartoon is telling us that Uncle Sam is having a hard time keeping the two up at the same time, and that the balance between the two of them is failing. I believe that this cartoon is saying that with a weak government, order, justice, and liberty will begin to fail. Government can’t do it alone though; we the people must help as well.

  31. I think the picture symbolize the balance of law and freedom in the U.S.A. . The statue of liberty is freedom. Uncle Sam symbolizes the U.S. . The other lady holding scale symbolizes law. The bored being held up by Uncle Sam. The message is that law and freedom have to be balanced or the U.S.A won’t be able to hold itself up. The message is a very important one. This is government today.

  32. The political cartoon has many messages, it depends on how you analyze it. The character on the left, is probably refering to the statue of liberty, meaning the country's liberty and freedo,. The character in the middle is Uncle Sam, who stands for all of the people in America. The character on the far right, is to reperesent order, because the scale of justice, the person is holding. So the message is that the people of America should live a balanced life, and stay in control of thier country's government.

  33. I think the cartoon has a meaning of liberty and justice. The character on the far left, stands for the citizen’s liberty, the one on the far right stands for justice, and the person in the middle stands for the people and how we sometimes don’t have a voice to speak up and balance the things. I think the message behind the cartoon is saying that we need both, liberty and justice, and government needs to realize that this needs to be equal or otherwise things will never be settled between the two. The cartoon may pertain to today’s government because we still have discussions over things and don’t always seem to balance the two and make the people suffer because of the unbalances and the blind fold the government has, not realizing what is affecting us.

  34. I think that this cartoon symbolizes the problems that we as a nation are trying to balance out. The women holding the torch represents liberty while the person with the blindfold on represents the courts. The person in the middle symbolizes the people of the United States of America trying to hold up the weight of the two areas. And if there were no people to help balance that out the backbone of American would break the two areas would fall causing our nation to be collapse.

  35. The political cartoon shows three characters that may symbolize liberty, people, and order. The character on the left or the Statue of Liberty is liberty, the character in the middle or Uncle Sam is people, and the character on the right is order. The message of the cartoon shows that we the people are trying to balance liberty and order in our society. Since the cartoon shows that we the people are trying to balance liberty and order, it shows how our government is working right now.

  36. The seesaw looks like they are both fighting over something or something is being evened out. like one side could of abused maybe the rights of something and the other side is saying why they are abusing that right. or maybe they are fighting over freedom like which side could have the most freedom or the less law's in the country or state. and or they are trying to work something out but one side can't come up with the deal that they might be making.

  37. In the cartoon, the Statue of Liberty represents freedom and liberty to the new nation. On the right, the person holding the scale represents order and balance between other states. The person with the scale is blinfolded because the nation was unsure how to level everything out, so the new government was unclear. In the middle, Uncle Sam represents the United States of America try to balance both liberty and order.I think that the image is trying to say that in order to have a successful country, you have to have an equal amount of power in the bicameral government, without losing the right of individuals. This cartoon describes are government today.

  38. The symbolic cartoon above is sending a message that the government should be balanced. Each character signifies something unique. For example, the character on the left is the Statue of Liberty which stands for liberty, or freedom. The character to the right of the Statue of Liberty stands for order. The man in the middle illustrates our country's government. Today, the government has been having trouble balancing liberty and order. Based on this cartoon, we are the struggled man having problems balancing liberty and order. Instead our government should have balanced liberty (freedom) and order.

  39. The Cartoon obviously indicates justice, freedom, and The U.S. Government all trying to balance within each other. Justice and freedom must be trying to balance under the Citizens government. I think the message is that the Colonist are working hard to balance out all of it so it is equal. These cartoons represents are government by how we still believe in freedom and justice. But it looks like the artist of the cartoon was trying to be funny in a way acting like the two women are heavy and trying to balance them out. The person might have not known a lot about the subject but must no enough to catch the idea of what he was drawing. But they do say a picture is worth a thousand words and this picture can tell a lot. But the Government did really think of freedom when they were going through laws and rules.

  40. I think it represents freedom because the lady on the left repesents liberty and the one on the right is order. Its is trying to make freedom.

  41. The characters in this comic represent liberty and order. The statue of liberty represents liberty, the woman holding the scale represents order, and Uncle Sam represents America. It means that we can’t let the idea of liberty overpower order and we can’t focus so much on order that we forget about the idea of liberty that this country fought for. Today, the way that this depicts our country is completely moot. Sometimes a certain house or party proposes something which could affect some people positively and others negatively. Despite this conflict though, we always come to an agreement that is best for the country and those living in it.

  42. This political cartoon symbolizes the struggles that early America faced when trying to balance out liberty and order. In the cartoon, Uncle Sam is holding up a plank of wood which on one side sits the Statue of Liberty, and on the other sits someone holding a scale. Uncle Sam is struggling to hold up the two people, and this shows that America struggled to maintain both balance and order. In an attempt to restore and maintain order in the new country, the government passed laws that questioned citizens' freedom and rights. Many citizens began to wonder if this limited freedom was really worth the war. On the other hand, with too much freedom, there would be no controlled government . This cartoon represents the hardships that early America faced in an attempt to balance liberty and order in the way that America was governed.

  43. I think this cartoon is about justice and order. The man in the middle, Uncle Sam, is trying to balance out justice and order. I think that the message is saying that back in the day, there was a feud with justice and order. Then the people, Uncle Sam, decided to do something about this and not just let this slide by unnoticed. So they decided to balance it out. I think this adds to the Government today because now we know that we have to balance the order and the justice.

  44. America had struggles with matters other than Britain. They had to maintain a balance of justice and the citizens and the laws and order of the country. Which is what the characters are; the far left being citizens and the right being justice, the middle being the government. The message of this cartoon is that the two subjects must be balanced, and it is a difficult task to do. This still pertains to today since about every matter that is voted on has something to do with the citizens of the country. Even though it is a hard task do to, the two must be balanced to have a well working society.

  45. The political cartoon depicts American symbols on a see saw.Lady Liberty is the character on the left of the see saw. On the right of the see saw is the symbol of justice used in the legal system. The character on the bottom of the see saw is Uncle Sam.Lady Liberty symbolizes America's freedom from oppeon and tyranny in Britain. The symbol of justice symbolizes the checks and balances in country's court systems. Uncle Sam symbolizes ou country's government. This cartoon's message is that our government relies both libery and justice. This cartoon portrays our government today because even in our strong government, we wouldn't be able progress without both halves of our legal system.

  46. I think that this cartoon symbolizes how the new world was just beggining and how they were working out all of the kinks. I believe that the person on the left, the statue of liberty symbolizes feedom, while the person on the right symbolizes economy. And the person in the middle, Uncle Sam symbolizes government and how it is trying to balance freedom and the economy. I think that this has everything to do with our government today, because we try to balance freedom and our economy and we use our government to do that, by choosing our representatives, and who runs our country.

  47. I think that this cartoon is trying to show a couple of different things. One, the perosn on the left, which is the Statue of Liberty, is showing how our country has freedom. The person on the right is symbolizing that we also have justice and that these both are balancd in our counrty equally. The person in the middle is trying to keep up with both of these qualities and symbolizes our people and how we have to fight for what we believe in. This cartoon shows that our country is what we make it and that for freedom and justice comes a lot of hard work to get there.

  48. The cartoon is showing the government, Uncle Sam, attempting to find the balance between order, at the right, and liberty, on the left. Uncle Sam is struggling to keep the balance, which means that the author thought that it was difficult to keep the balance between the two, as opposed to an easy balance with a smiling, and not sweaty, Uncle Sam. This cartoon applies today where it is still difficult to find the sufficient balance between liberty and order.

  49. The character on the left represents America’s liberty, Uncle Sam in the middle symbolizes government, and the final cartoon on the right portrays madam justice and the judicial scales of legal balance. The vibes that I get from this cartoon is that the three characters are struggling to even each other out and to not get to much power to any one area. The government today is continually influenced by the bill of rights and the other laws added and discarded based on the activity of the people. But those laws couldn’t be passed without each of the characteristics of government agreeing on that cause.

  50. The statue on the left represents lady liberty and the one on the right is representing order and laws. Uncle sam is ballancing it all out and represents the united states. The cartoon is saying that there is always a strugle between the three. They are all balanced out by eachother that is why the scale is still in tact.

  51. In this political cartoon, I got an idea that the man underneath that is balancing everything out is Uncle Sam. For me Uncle Sam stands out for the United States of America. The Statue of Liberty on the left is repersenting freedom, and the person on the rigth represents government. While the two main aspects of america are fighting for each other, we the people have to suffer by paying taxes.

  52. The character in the middle is Uncle Sam, who represents the government. On the right is Order, because she has a balance beam. Liberty is on the left, because she is the same statue as the one at New York City. The message of the cartoon says that the government, Uncle Sam, is supposed to balance out both liberty and order. It pertains to American government today because that is how the government is today.

  53. In this comic strip Uncle Sam represents America and the two statues of liberty represent the order and liberty of America. As you can see, America, or Uncle Sam, is struggling to keep the balance of both these ladies. Liberty was planned in documents, as was Order, but disagreements started putting pressure on America. So that is why America is struggling to keep order and liberty in balance.

  54. The cartoon above is talking about how the founding fathers wanted to keep balance between freedom and laws. They did no want the people to be held down, and not have any freedom at all, but they wanted to make sure that they were still not letting them do whatever they want. So with the Bill of Rights, they settled this conflict, and made a firm but fair system that they would rule the country with.

  55. In the cartoon, I think it means that there was a equal balance between liberty and justice. The patriot in the middle, might mean that the Patriots made the two equal. I think the message in the cartoon is that America should keep liberty and justice equal so that we don't have chaos. Today, we have supreme court to keep things in order. That cartoon might be a reminder to America to keep the nation well organized and equal.

  56. There are many ways that you can interpret this cartoon. They could be equal sides of the government in the United States. The lady on the left is liberty. Or a symbolism of Statue of liberty. The other side is about government and how it should be equal. There are many ways you can interpret this cartoon, this just happens to be one of them.
