Thursday, October 15, 2009

Declaration of Independence Wordle

Please copy and paste your summary of the Declaration of Independence into the comment box.
Then type in your URL for your wordle at the bottom of the summary...NOT in the URL box under your name.

Remember to post with first name and per. #

Then.....use your classmates URL's to check out their wordles!!


  1. America is a land of freedom and fairness. However, the United States was not always the country of free choices that it is today. In the 1700’s the original thirteen colonies of America were oppressed by England. In order to end the tyrannical rule the British enforced upon the colonists, the United States’ founding fathers convened to create the Declaration of Independence. This all too important document severed all ties with Great Britain and established the United States of America to be its own separate country. The division between England and America was supported by several key points that the Declaration made. The writing states that if a populace has their fundamental rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness revoked by the government, they must separate from their homeland and create a country that promotes equality and freedom. The original colonists had felt cheated by King George III because of the unfair laws and taxes that he had imposed on them without their consent or representation. Although the Declaration of Independence makes many valid statements in terms of protection of human rights, some key points are left out. For example, the document does not give African Americans or women the same privileges as white men. However, without the Declaration of Independence, the United States of America would never have come to exist.

  2. The Declaration of Independence is a very important document that has shaped our country to what it is today. The purpose of the Declaration was to tell Britain that the colonies are separating from them; that they needed to fight for their rights and have security. They also said that they have unalienable rights such as life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. In addition, the colonies said that they were making their case and they felt strongly that their government was doing things without them having a say in it. When the colonies met to make the Declaration of Independence, they declared all of their arguments against King George. Some of their opinions were that King George is refusing to agree to laws that are good for the public, he is not letting the law makers do what they need to do, he is preventing the population from growing, he is not letting people hold or establish courts, and when colonists are captured in war, King George is forcing them to serve in the British army. The colonists said things about King George including: he is unworthy, a tyrant, and unfit to be a ruler. The colonists were done with Britain, they had stated their case, given their reasons, and declared their independence. Because of their independence from Britain they could now conclude peace, contact alliances, levy-war, and act just like other free countries. The Declaration of Independence has made our country the way it is today and without it, I am sure all of us would be living completely different lives.


    The Declaration of independence was a document written to declare the colonies’ break from Great Britain. It was written by the continental congress when they decided that they’d had enough! On, July 4th, 1776, our country adopted this statement, giving us our rights. We argued that king George was abusing his power and overtaxing us. Also, we stated that this tyranny had been going on too long for us to put up with it any longer. We said that all men had the unalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The problem was that this left out women, children, and slaves. So not all people had unalienable rights. That could make women and people of other races feel a little insulted but, that is just how things where at the time. The Declaration of Independence shaped this country to be free and independent, like it is today.

  4. The Declaration of Independence is a document that was created in 1776 to declare the separation of the colonies and Britain. The colonies wanted to separate because King George was abusing his power and treated the colonists unfair. In the document they listed the reasons why they needed to separate. Some of the arguments that were made were that King George would forbid governors to pass laws, held off passing laws, and neglected the colonists. He also called meeting that were uncomfortable and very far from where they lived. Another problem was that he wouldn’t let law-making bodies meet together and pass laws He also prevented the colonies from growing by not letting foreigners welcome in to the colonies and become citizens. King George also made it so only he could decide how long a judge could serve. States had their own constitution but were forced to follow Britain’s laws making it unable for them to honor their laws. King George also declared the colonies out of his protection by setting wars against the colonies. When colonists were captured, they were forced to serve in the British army against the colonies. One last problem that King George created was taxing products that were used in everyday life and didn’t let colonists have a say in it. These were the main problems that lead to the separation of the colonies and Britain. The Declaration of Independence set the colonies free and broke away from Britain’s rule.

  5. The Declaration of Independence is a document, that the colonists created, in which the colonists created to officially break from Britain and create America. They did it for the important the significant reasons, not the miniscule. The colonists were sick of their previous leader’s, King George III, actions that they described created a tyranny. King George tried with all of his power to stop the colonists and America. He had the lawmakers travel hundreds of thousands of miles just to go to meetings, and not let them do their job of passing laws. George prevented the population from growing by not letting foreign countries migrate in. The colonists were sick of actions that prevented courts being called, and controlled their salary and terms. The colonists complained about troops, and set up tax collectors from Britain. The colonists wrote it for events such as Boston Massacre, and the tyranny King George created. When colonists were captured, they were forced to serve in the British Army, rather than American. The colonists tried negotiating, but British refused to compromise, as they wanted to. To declare their independence they declared that they, America, was a country, and could accomplish any thing others could.


    The Declaration of Independence is a document that shows the rights of man in the United States. The Declaration of Independence was created to stop the British from controlling them. The Congressmen were able to get the British king, King George, to read the document. When they did they were not happy. The Declaration talked about many different concepts. Life was a big concept in the document. Another was liberty, which means that everyone should live in a place that they can do what they want. One more is the pursuit of happiness, which means that everyone should live in a place of happiness. There was one thing that the Congressmen left out. That one thing was the Declaration of Independence didn’t put in the rights of women and African Americans. At that point in time men ruled most of the things places, so they didn’t think about putting material in about women and African Americans. The Declaration of Independence is the most important document that our country has to offer, it shows life liberty and pursuit of happiness.

  7. The Declaration of Independence was a very important document that would have changed America forever. The purpose of the Declaration of Independence was to gain freedom from Britain. Within this purpose, the Declaration of Independence was important for reasons like to institute a new government, fight for new rights, and security. King George had created a tyranny and the colonists wanted to change what he had done. The colonists wanted King George to understand what they wanted. They also wanted to be free from Britain forever. In the Declaration of Independence, the colonists said things like, “He has refused his agreement to laws that were needed and good for everybody.” Although there are great points that were made from the colonists, they did leave out some things. For example, they didn’t say anything about women or African Americans, just men. That mean, that women had no rights, and there was a lot of slavery. The Declaration of Independence gave American rights that they never had before. If we didn’t have it, we may still be a part of Britain.

  8. The Declaration of Independence made the United States free from Britain’s rule in January 4, 1776. The declaration stated people have certain rights and Britain was not obeying those rights. They colonists were tired of being ruled by King George. In the Declaration the colonists excluded women and African American slaves. King George had numerous complaints about him such as: Cities not allowing new comers’ land, Having British soldiers walk around United States cities, and not having people create their own laws. The colonists sent King George a copy of the laws they want but King George rejected reading the laws. The Colonists made the declaration to free themselves from British rule. The Colonists accepted the declaration and made United States. To this day we have been free from Great Britain rule.

  9. The Declaration of Independence Summary

    The Declaration of Independence was the document that argued the reasons that the colonies should separate from Great Britain. The Declaration of Independence was written because the colonies were tired of King George III abusing them. One such abuse was King George III putting taxes on them without them having a say in it. Another way was how the colonies didn’t have a member in Parliament. The Declaration of Independence argued King George III was making laws that were unfair. Like how he didn’t let the colonies trade with anybody but Britain. Another way King George III was being unfair was that he summoned them across seas to be put on trial with false charges. Although the Declaration of Independence was a document that changed America, it did leave out some things. One of the things it left out was the rights of women. In the Declaration, it says everything about the rights of men, but not women. Another thing the Declaration left out was the rights of slaves. If slaves were given freedom, they wouldn’t have to be slaves, and they could be regular people and earn pay for their work.

  10. The Declaration of Independence was a document written by the colonists to defend their rights against the British rule. The colonists felt that King George III was being unfair and abusing his power too much. They wrote down everything that he did that was against the human nature. The document was to make the King realize what they were going through and what they wanted him to do about it. The colonists had a lot of fury before writing this document but when he began to tax them without them having a say in what they were being taxed on. Another thing was that he forced the colonists to let the soldiers stay with them and eat off of their land and give them a place to stay. Colonists argued to say that all men should be created equal, and they have the right to have life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The colonists continued to a list of things the King has done to push his rule over the colonies. Even though the Declaration of Independence declares equality for men it left out that women should be treated equally. Along with not treating women equally, after it was signed the slaves working on the fields were still being treated unfairly.


  11. The Declaration of Independence was a document that brought freedom and it brought human rights to the colonist. It provided the Colonist to get away from the British, which they wanted. The British bossed the colonist around and didn’t give them the freedom they deserved. The document was created because King George the Third was trying to pass laws that were not right. He refused to even look at the laws the Colonist came up with. He was passing laws that were not fair and bothered the colonist rights and it affected their daily life itself. The document provided human rights which they were fighting for, it brought freedom to their land which they deserved. And also it brought “Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness” to the colonist. One of the main reasons we have so many rights today is because of The Declaration of Independence. With out it we would not be free and independent.

  12. The Declaration of Independence was created to insure people’s rights. The Dec of Ind. point out all the things King George III was doing wrong. All of his tyranny he commuted are on there. Although it did leave out a slaves and women. Slaves didn’t get there rights until the civil war. Women had to wait even longer to get there rights. The colonist created the declaration to help their nation. The declaration serves that propose to today.

  13. What Exactly Was the Declaration of Independence?
    The Declaration of Independence was the document that formally broke the government ties between the American colonies and England. The purpose of the document was for the colonists to officially declare their independence from England and explain why they thought that they should be an independent nation. The colonists pointed out that all men have certain rights that cannot and will not be taken away from them. These rights included that all men are created equal, and that they have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The Declaration of Independence also states that when these unalienable rights are taken away from the people by the government, the people have should be able to alter or abolish their government. The colonists also wrote in the document that the government should only be abolished for important reasons, not trivial ones, and then they went on to list the many reasons that the British government should be abolished in the American colonies. The reasons were all based King George III had created a tyranny. They included but were not limited to the following: King George III had refused to accept the colonists’ laws; he suspended the laws and then ended up ignoring them anyways; he would not let legislators pass laws or hold courts; he was the only one who could decide on how long a judge could be a judge and what their payment would be; his troops were going unpunished for murders (the Boston Massacre); he had cut off the colonists trade with all other countries; he had given up governing the colonies and was now declaring war; and the colonists had tried to negotiate with Britain in the past, but nothing had worked. These were the key points in the Declaration of Independence. Some of the things that the Declaration of Independence left out were the rights of women, and that how at the time African slaves were not equal. The Declaration of Independence was one of the most important documents in American history.

  14. Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are all of the things that the famous Declaration of Independence describes. The purpose of the Declaration was to declare independence from Britain, and it does a very good job of it. It makes quite clear that they didn’t need Britain controlling them anymore because they believed the government has too much power, and they were fed up with King George and his crazy rules. They were done with being bossed around by Britain. They had twenty-seven complaints about how he ruled them, their government, and his own kingdom, and tried to make their feelings clear. Then they end it by declaring their independence and stating that they have every right of a free nation and Britain can be their foe or their friends. There were some flaws in this declaration however. At this time African American people were considered property, and women were considered second class citizens. There for the Declaration of Independence excluded the rights of these people. So if there was a rewrite it should have included women and people of other race. The Declaration of Independence truly gave the colonists life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

  15. The Declaration of Independence was made because of the British. The Declaration of Independence told Britain that they have the right to do what the American people wanted. Everyone has their rights, and no one should be treated wrongly. The government should be governed by the people, and not a single person. King George did this to himself because of many reasons, including suppressing the people. The major thing that was left out of the Declaration of Independence is that it didn’t talk about the slaves, or women. This caused many problems because in the years after the war against Britain there were still slaves and very few rights for the women. This is an important document, and is the milestone for this country.

  16. The Declaration of Independence is one of the most important documents to the United States. It was written to voice the injustice of the king’s rule. The colonists believed that Britain denied their “God-given” rights and it was their duty to change their government. The colonists explain the oppressed and ridiculous laws the king created. It says that the king refused to pass laws unless the people gave up their right to have a say and when the colonists came to him with problems, he set them aside and never addressed them. He wouldn’t create laws that protected the colonists, wouldn’t let foreigners come to the colony, and forced families to let British troops stay in their homes. The colonists explain how they tried to compromise with the king, but he wouldn’t listen. This made him unworthy to rule. Therefore, the colonists announced they were no longer tied to Britain in any way and declared their freedom and independence.

  17. The Declaration of Independence Summary

    The purpose of writing the Declaration of Independence was to break away from Britain. The British had denied the colonists from their god-given rights. There had been multiple problems before, so they thought they should be wise and change their government. King George III from Britain had had a history of taking away the power colonists used to have. He was ruling as an absolute tyrant by taking away the colonists rights. King George III didn’t agree to their laws and wouldn’t pass laws unless the people gave up their right to have a say in it. He didn’t allow the population of the colonies to increase. King George controlled how long judges served and he was in charge of their salaries. King George had British Troops staying at colonists’ homes and the colonists obviously didn’t want to have to cook for them and provide shelter for them. Patriots that were captured were forced to fight for Britain against the patriots. It was not fair that in the Boston Massacre British troops killed colonists but they still got to live. The colonists had tried to work it out with King George but he wouldn’t listen. The British people wouldn’t even help them, and they were from the same place of birth. They declared themselves independent. The Declaration of Independence is the start of their freedom. They were no longer tied to the British Crown after the Declaration of Independence. The Declaration of Independence doesn’t talk about women, children or African-American men having certain unalienable rights when they mention “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.”


  18. Declaration of Independence
    The declaration of independence was made in the1700’s by a group of colonist. This document states that the colonist wanted the colonies to be from Great Britain. The reason why the colonist to be from Great Britain was because King George the third was unfair. They believed that king George the third was taking away their human rights. What they mean by their human right was that they didn’t give the religion freedom. King George the third also didn’t let them have other right one of them was not letting them rule their country freely. They weren’t allowed to make their own laws because he denied them. The colonist also made another document called the declaration of rights. This document stated the laws they wanted to have and the rights they had. When King George saw them he laughed and ripped up the paper. Besides doing that he started war with the colonist. They’re people who were loyal to Great Britain in the colonies because they were scared of standing up for themselves. These people where called loyalist. In the other side patriots were the people who fought for liberty against Britain. When King George sent his troops to the colonist he sent the redcoats. The redcoats were the people who fought for Britain. When the troops came to Boston was when the Boston massacre happened. It wasn’t really a massacre though it was just 8 down. But they made a big deal so that King George would give up. The last paragraph stated their independence and now we are free.

  19. The Declaration of Independence was a document made July 4, 1776 and took up to two weeks to make. The purpose was to tell King George that they didn’t the colonist didn’t want to rule under his rule. The colonist insulted the way he ruled. Also insulted the unfair laws he gave colonist. He actually had a history of making unfair laws and unnecessary taxes on things. They stated that King George should not give rules to the colonist in America when the colonies were trying to be free. They also stated how he stalled when colonist were trying to come to him to approve laws in their colonies and when he said he would approve of them he didn’t. Another thing was the colonists were not happy with King George when he would capture Patriots and make them serve in the British Army. Also he made the colonist house or shelter these British Soldiers when they were trying to get rid of them. Therefore, The Declaration of Independence was a hand written document stating the colonist are done fighting and are done being ruled under King George.

    here is my wordle...

  20. Declaration of Independence Summary
    The Declaration of Independence was the start of our country. This document was one of the main reasons why we have so many rights compared to others. The purpose of this historic document was to formally announce the colonies’ break from England. The colonists were so sick of King George and how unfair he was that they wanted out. They felt that they had been denied certain rights and thought that it was their duty to break away. The arguments that were made throughout the declaration were all about King George. He would not let the colonists make laws that would protect themselves from attacks. Additionally, he wouldn’t let people go to the colonies and become citizens, so he basically wasn’t allowing population increase. Also, King George had British troops stay in the towns and homes of the colonies. This made the colonists extremely unhappy seeing as they were forced to house those that they were fighting against. The colonists tried to compromise with the king, but he would not listen. Something the colonists left out but should have included was that there was no mention of freedom for women, children, but most importantly slaves. This was unfair to them, seeing as they are people too. Leaving them out also caused future problems and arguments in the colonies about the freedom of others. The Declaration of Independence declared that America did not have any more ties to Britain. They were breaking free.

  21. The Declaration of Independence is a document releasing the colonists from the British. The colonists have tried to compromise, but the British king didn’t care and ignored them. The patriots thought it was their duty to break from Britain and establish a new government of their own. The colonists thought that King George was a tyrant and abused his government power. King George didn’t let his governors pass laws and he wouldn’t let representatives to make laws unless they gave up their power to the king. And if they were going to make a law, he said that it can’t protect them. He also forced representatives to attend meetings that were farther than they have ever traveled. King George also controlled the colonist’s government. He could decide how much judges got paid or for how long they could work. Also, people caught at sea were forced to fight in the British army. The declaration was to declare the colonists independence.

  22. Declaration of Independence Summary

    The purpose of the Declaration of Independence was for the patriots, or colonists, to break free from the British. At the current time King George III was the leader of Great Britian and the leader of Colonial America. He thought that he was the great ruler for the colonies in America. He treated the colonists horribly, such as making them house the British Soldiers, who were staying in Colonial America, and controlling how much money the workers earned. The colonists wanted freedom, to not be under the rule of this terrible king. The colonists wanted to be treated fairly and with dignity, something that they had never received. They needed to change this state of being, not just from one problem but multiple problems. The colonists felt it was their duty to change their government, because they had tried to compromise with King George, but he would never listen, he was just stubborn. Finally the colonists were tired of being so mistreated so they sat down and wrote the Declaration of Independence. The colonists declared themselves independent and free from any type of British Control. They specifically said “He will now have no authority over us.” Overall, the colonists made a very good decision, when writing their document to freedom, because their whole government was changed forever.

  23. The Declaration of Independence is a document explaining that colonists are going to break away from England so that they can make their own systems and government. This document also shares the arguments about King George lll and why colonists disrespect him. One main reason why they want to leave England is because King George took away colonists rights. He took away their charters, didn’t agree to their laws and ignored anything they had to say because he did whatever he wanted. He took the power of having judicial laws away and controlled the court so the judges didn’t get much money. King George lll also made colonists let troops that they didn’t even know stay in their home and give residence to them. He did not allow settlers to settle on his land. Another thing that King George did was make any captured Patriots from overseas fight for Britain against the Patriots when they for sure did not want to fight against their own people. Colonists believed that they have a right to change the government system not if there is one little problem, but several large problems. King George lll would not even give them a say or let them have control over anything. They colonists have tried to compromise with him but he acted like a tyrant and did what he wanted. They have no choice but to become independent and are no longer tied to the British crown and King George has no authority over them anymore. The declaration of Independence was signed in 1776.

  24. The Declaration of Independence was written mainly because
    the colonist wanted to have independent colonies, and because
    king Gorge the III took all the rights from the colonists.

    It is a document declaring that the new colonies controlled by
    the British wanted to become Independent. The colonists were
    also mad because they couldn’t make their own laws and were
    tired of having a tyrannical government. King George the III
    didn’t let colonists make their own laws so they couldn’t protect
    themselves. British troops had the right; by king Georges laws
    to stay in house of the colonists, and the colonists couldn’t
    protect themselves that is another reason of the Declaration of
    Independence. The Declaration of Independence is now in
    Washington D.C. The British soldiers also have the right to tax

  25. Declaration of Independence Summary

    The Declaration of Independence was the colonist’s way of breaking away from Great Britain. The first argument that the colonists brought up was that they had no freedom and that Britain had too much power and that they couldn’t do anything. The second argument that the colonists made was that they had unalienable rights such as life, liberty, and freedom and King George III would not let them have freedom. The colonists were mad that King George was taxing them and that they didn’t have a representative there to support them. Which the colonists soon called “Taxation without Representation.” The Declaration of Independence listed all of the things that King George did that made him a tyrant. They also listed how he was not letting them settle and how he used the quartering act letting his soldiers into other people houses. The document also listed how the colonists tried to fight what King George and how it led to the revolutionary war and that they made the Declaration of Independence to make their official break from Great Britain. That is what the Declaration of Independence was about and why the colonists wrote the Declaration of Independence.

  26. The Declaration of Independence is a document declaring the independence for the
    British colonies to break away from Britain. Before that Brittan denied there rights, so they
    Wanted to be free. They also had to break away because they were tired of being ruled by King
    George iii. The People of Brittan felt like they couldn’t express there happiness. King George
    Was also unfair to the men because he didn’t want them to make their own laws and protect
    Them self’s or their families. Before they established the law’s to be free they went to King
    George to see if it was a good idea and to see if he would take it into Consideration, and he
    He didn’t. When the people lived there when British men would go to fight and they need a place
    To stay and even they didn’t like the men that had to stay they were forced to let them stay there.
    While King George was making other laws, other British people were trying to make their own
    Free laws. The soldiers also had the right to taxes the colonist. The people in America lived free and wrote the Declaration of Independence because they wanted civil rights.

  27. The colonists feel Britain has denied there rights, so they are breaking away from Britain. They are not breaking free for a little reason, they wanted a new government. King George the third had a history of taking away power, which is another reason patriots wanted to break away Britain. He ruled them with an absolute tyranny. The colonists wanted to give there opinion to other people. King George would not let them make laws, or other important decisions for themselves. He also sent British tax collectors to America to tax the colonists. The colonists had to quarter British troops in there own homes. The patriots are saying King George is a tyrant, because he will not give them any power. The patriots are also saying that King George is unfit to rule anyone. The patriots tried to reach out to the British citizens, because they came from the same place, but they would not help. Last the patriots are saying that they have no ties to the British.

  28. Declaration Of Independence Summary
    The Declaration of Independence’s purpose was for the colonists to make their point to have their own independence and to show the British that King George III is abusing his power and taking away the colonists rights. Thus it means the colonists think they had a “duty” to establish their own system of government. But King George took away their rights. Meaning the colonists viewed him as a tyrant. The colonists said that it wasn’t “candid” which means fair. They were saying “he wouldn’t pass laws unless they gave up their say in running their own government.” King George also wouldn’t let them pass their own laws to protect them inside the colonies for social and domestic violence. This means he didn’t give them any courts. He cut trade off from everyone. But then the Declaration Of Independence was invented and thus The United States OF America is made today! King George III was a horrible king and abused his power!

  29. Declaration of Independence Summary
    The Declaration of Independence was first written by Tomas Jefferson, and then edited by others. The declaration is about all of the actions King George the III has done to the colonists. Some of the ideas state that he is a terrible ruler and deserve to be set free due to the crimes he has done and blamed them for. He has taxed them without a representative from the colonies to discuss it. For the innocent lives taken in the Boston Massacre the soldiers were charged with nothing. This started one of many meetings; the most remembered one was the First Centennial Congress. That meeting discussed how the colonies were going to break away from England for good. For all of these actions that England did to the colonies, they wrote the Declaration of Independence. So, that finally did it, they separated from England.

  30. The Declaration of Independence was written to declare the independence of America from England and its other colonies. Its purpose was to tell the king that he could no longer rule the American colonies for he had violated the rights of all the colonists. The colonists said that they wanted to break from England because the king put unfair taxes and charges against them, along with limiting trade from America only to England. The colonists also stated that the king’s troops violated their rights and they couldn’t govern the very land they lived on. Some of the key arguments they used were either insults to the king or reasons for them to deny the king’s rule over them. Though some loyalists still remained among the other patriotic colonists, the colonists gave some ideas and reasons for breaking away, like how the king only allowed royal-made or Parliament-made laws to exist. The king set tax collectors, the terms and salary of judges, and for meetings to be far away so not as many people would go. He didn’t let the colonies set laws for their own protection, for unapproved courts, or for the increase of colonies. Overall, they said that the king was unfit for ruling a free land, and he should either be replaced by someone more able, or that the colonies should just separate. Though the Declaration of Independence was able to request fair laws for all men, it was unable to declare any rights for women, children, or slaves. Other amendments had to be made much later after much turmoil to include the rights of women, children, and slaves. This is why our Declaration of Independence was written and what parts could have been improved on.

  31. Declaration of Independence Summary
    The declaration of independence is the document that created a country. It was created to show that we have the rights to break away from Great Britain. It mainly states the reasons why we broke away. It first says if a government becomes destructive toward the unalienable rights such as the pursuit of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness the people have the right to abolish it. Another reason why we broke away was he prevented the governors from passing important laws. King George III had also refused to pass laws for accommodation of large districts until rights of legislature are given up. He had control over our judges by controlling their pay and how long they worked. He sent armies during times of peace which we had to give shelter and food while paying taxes to keep them there. They ended the declaration by stating that they are “absolved from all allegiance to the British Crown and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, and establish Commerce.” They showed by having the following representatives sign the declaration of independence:
    John Hancock, Josiah Bartlett, William Whipple, Matthew Thornton, John Hancock, Samuel Adams, John Adams, Robert Treat Paine, Elbridge Gerry, Stephen Hopkins, William Ellery, Roger Sherman, Samuel Huntington, William Williams, Oliver Wolcott, William Floyd, Philip Livingston, Francis Lewis, Lewis Morris, Richard Stockton, John Witherspoon, Francis Hopkinson, John Hart, Abraham Clark
    Robert Morris, Benjamin Rush, Benjamin Franklin, John Morton, George Clymer, James Smith, George Taylor, James Wilson, George Ross Caesar Rodney, George Read, Thomas McKean Samuel Chase, William Paca, Thomas Stone, Charles Carroll of Carrollton George Wythe, Richard Henry Lee, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Harrison, Thomas Nelson, Jr., AFrancis Lightfoot Lee, Carter Braxton, William Hooper, Joseph Hewes, John Penn, Edward Rutledge, Thomas Heyward, Jr., Thomas Lynch, Jr. Arthur Middleton, Button Gwinnett, Lyman Hall, George Walton

  32. The purpose of the Declaration of Independence is why the colonist wanted freedom. Also how unfair the king was. This document in important to the United states of America because it gave us freedom. This document is about the colonist wanting rights.

  33. The Declaration of Independence is an important document in American history. It proves that America is free. In this document it tells a lot about the king of England of how he was a hated in man by allot of the people. This document showed that America has broken away from Brittan. This document talks about all the things that King George did that was unfair, he plundered the seas, transported large armies to make death, and he did not help people in America. The people who signed the Declaration of Independence were Adams, Bartlett, Braxton, Carroll, Chase, Clark, Clymer, Ellery, Floyd, Franklin, Gerry, Gwinnett, Hall, Hancock, Harrison, Hart, Hewes, Heyward, Hooper, Hopkins, Hopkinson, Huntington, Jefferson, Lee, Lewis, Livingston, Lynch, Middleton, McKean, Morris, Morton, Nelson, Paca, Paine, Penn, Rodney, Read, Ross, Rush, Rutledge, Sherman, Smith, Stockton, Stone, Taylor, Thornton, Walton, Whipple, Witherspoon, Williams, Wilson, Wolcott, and Wythe. All these people came from the the 13 colonies.

  34. The Deceleration of Independence was created to declare independence from the British Crown in
    Great Britain. The “People” of the colonies had evidence that King George the Third had a history
    Of unfair government and laws. The colonies also insulted King George the Third about how
    Much he was an unfit ruler. Both of these facts are included in the Deceleration of
    Independence. And, it’s true; King George the Third was an unfair ruler. He controlled the
    colonies’ trade, he canceled the colonies’ charters so they couldn’t create their own laws, he
    didn’t allow the colonists to expand their lands, he sent officers which the colonists called the
    “tax collectors” to tax people of the colonies, and he did not charge any sentences to the British
    officers who killed many colonists. King George the Third even captured some colonists to fight
    against their own brethren in the British Army. The colonists tried to talk to the king about his
    unfair laws but he refused to consider the colonies and continued his unfair rules. So the
    colonies created the Declaration of Independence to show the rights that they have. So the
    Thirteen colonies broke away from the British Crown in Great Britain.

  35. The Declaration of Independence

    The Declaration of Independence is a document that formally announces the breakaway of the united states (not capitalized yet) from Great Britten. It agues with the king about what he has done wrong to the colonists and to the American government. It states that the colonists have the right of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. It states that the king has done wrong and is a bad person to be in government. It also states that the colonists are allowed and going to break away from Great Britten. It states that the king has not done the right and has done wrong and that is why America is breaking away. The colonists try to intimidate the king in very strategic ways. There are many other things that the Declaration of Independence mentions and holds. But the main thing is that America is breaking away from Great Britten and this proves it.

  36. The Declaration of Independence was written as an act of oppression, fighting for their “god given” rights. King George was a tyrant making unfair laws and the colonists had no power, which made them furious. They wanted to make changes to the government and replace it with a new system. Colonists were wise and tried to compromise with King George, but the last thing he wanted to do was compromise. They saw him as even more of a tyrant. The colonists wanted to break away from the British Crown. To do so, they drafted the Declaration of Independence. The Declaration of Independence was used to non-violently say that colonists no longer needed to obey the King. Instead, the colonists should fight for their independence. In the Declaration of Independence, the colonists wrote that King George was unfair and unjust in many ways. They said he didn’t let the colonists have courts or trials. Also, that the King didn’t let the colonists create laws to protect themselves. At the end of the Declaration of Independence, they declare that the United Colonies have the right to be independent states. Their declaration states that the colonies should dissolve their allegiance to the British Crown. Colonists should have the freedom of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. What is left out of the Declaration of Independence is that only white men had these rights. Never did they consider women or slaves to have these rights. Still two hundred years later there is controversy over what is stated in the document.

  37. The Declaration of Independence was written to declare the independence of the colonies from Great Britain. The colonist wanted to break free from England because Great Britain was treating them unfairly. Men are created equal and there are certain unalienable rights that governments should never violate. These rights include “the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”. When a government fails to protect those rights, it is not only the right, but also the duty of the people to overthrow that government. In its place, the people should establish a government that is designed to protect those rights. Governments are rarely overthrown, and should not be over thrown for a lot of different reasons. In this case, a long history of abuses has led the colonists to overthrow a tyrannical government.

  38. The Declaration of Independence is a document made by colonists in the 1700’s declaring the independence from King George and all of Great Britain. It stated that all men were created equal, and had unalienable rights. And that many unfair laws were being put on the colonies by King George. The colonists all wanted to break free. They were being unfairly ruled by King George and they wanted their freedom. In The Declaration of Independence it is said that all men were cr¬¬¬¬¬eated. Not treated differently because of their social class, or because of their importance. So the point trying to be shown is that they wanted King George to treat them the way he was treating the British. It was also said that men had unalienable rights, Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of happiness. The people living in the colonies could not achieve those rights because of King George. He took away their liberty, and was controlling everyone’s lives. And since they couldn’t live the lives they desired, they could not obtain happiness. When The Declaration of Independence was written, the colonists new it was a time to stand up for their independence and fight against the British. Good things like the Boston Tea Party occurred. When a group of Boston citizens dumped the tea being imported by British into Boston Harbor. But some terrible events happened. One of them was the Boston Massacre. It was a terrible day when people were injured, and unfortunately killed. The shots were fired by British soldiers into a crowd of citizens that were taunting the soldiers. Throwing rocks and snowballs at them. And when one slave dared the soldiers to fire, they did. The soldiers went to court, but since the judge’s decision was influenced by the king, the soldiers were let free. The Declaration of Independence is probably the greatest document ever written. Because of it, America is a free nation. And has made many great contributions to people around the country, and around the world.

  39. The Declaration of Independence is the start of freedom for a new country. In 1776 the people of America got tired of trying to compromise with King George, and wrote this document to try to break all of their ties with British rule. The citizens of America want fair rights, what they believe are their God given rights. King George was a tyranny over the thirteen colonies. He still taxed them, and he would say he would view over their laws, but he never did. He would hold meetings in far away, uncomfortable places in hopes that the people would not show up, or just agree to his laws. The Declaration of Independence states that they will not have to be governed by King Henry, that the United Stated of America is now a free country. They have officially broke their ties with England and will now govern themselves. After they tried to negotiate, they still were being ignored. America is now a free country.

  40. The Declaration of Independence

    The whole purpose of the Declaration of Independence was to show, not only the separation of the colonies and Britain, but also to show how unfair the king was being to the colonies. One main thing that catches my eye is the fact that the king taxed them on things that they needed like sugar and stamps. The stamps were used for money and playing cards and the sugar was used for food and drinks like tea and pastries. To tax them on those kinds of things was like taking away food from the colonies. Another factor that they talk about from the Declaration of Independence was that King George was being unfair and not letting the colonies control their own land. In the Declaration of Independence they insult King George by saying “A Prince, whose character is thus marked by every act which may define Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.” The king was unfit to be ruler of the colonies by taxing so much because it states that there rights are Life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Overall the Declaration of Independence is a great monument in our country’s history.

  41. The Declaration of Independence was created to declare our independence from Great Britain. Also this document showed how unfair people like then king for example were to the colonists. Everybody is made equally some people just abuse their power if they are higher up in the government and they basically just push everybody like the colonists around. Colonists wanted King George to treat them like he treats The British and I think that is stupid if one man deserves to be treated differently than another even if they are different culture, religion, race, or just from a different place. Another bad thing that the king did was that he wouldn't let them create laws to protect themselves.
