Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Wordle Example: HWH Ch. 3.3

This is an example of a Wordle I created to summarize the main ideas and details from HWH Ch. 3.3: Islamic Beliefs and Practices. Your task is to create your own Wordle on this section. Please follow these steps:

1. Read Ch. 3.3
2. Write a summary paragraph of the section (min. 5 sentences)
3. Create your Wordle by following the steps below:
  • Go to and select the option to create your own Wordle
  • Copy and paste your summary paragraph into the text box. Then, hit the "go" button below the text box and your Wordle will be generated
  • You can then edit the font style, colors, and layout of your Wordle
  • Next, save your Wordle to the public gallery; you should give your Wordle a title, but only list your first name or remain anonymous
  • Lastly, copy the URL of your Wordle so you can locate your Wordle later in order to show others. You also may want to print a copy
Have fun and be creative!


  1. This is where my wordle is...

  2. My wordle is done, and the address for my wordle is listed below:

    The title is Holt World History-Medieval to Early Modern Times, Unit 2, Chapter 3, Section 3. The label that I put for myself is ONLY MY FIRST NAME: Carley. The comment that I posted was simply "all about the history of Islam"

    (please note that the information above is just so that you will know that I am following the technology use rules and regulations letter you handed out to us, and the section in our agendas. I just thought you would like to know that I was being safe! Also, just a reminder to my fellow students, that you cannot get to the page with the URL address because it is not in hyperlink mode. I have it on my computer though.)

  3. heeeeeere's my wordle!

  4. Here is where my wordle is:

  5. This is my wordle!!!

  6. Here is my wordle........

  7. Wow no one else has posted a comment yet. I would think a lot of people would comment like this. Oh Well, here it is


    Sometimes people or different groups need to impel from one another or force them to separate. So these colonial people felt they needed to pull away from Britain and became independent. To become independent, the colonists created the Declaration of Independence. They felt that people should have certain unalienable rights that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. They are changing their government in a wise way. The colonists are not just changing it for small reasons but rather for large and bigger problems that had led them to detach from remaining under the control of the British government and rather now have their government of parliament take effect. The colonists felt that King George III had taken abuse of power and violated the rights of the people in his monarchy. Furthermore, King George III had not let the legislative bodies pass laws or hold their meetings, which left them vulnerable to invasions from the outside and convulsions which are violent disturbances from within. Also, he has prevented more people from being able to come to the colonies. These states have their own laws and their own ideas. These areas should be able to govern themselves not be governed from Britain from across the sea. King George had then given up governing and declared war. Some colonists were even captured and forced to serve in the British army. Continuing on, the colonists even tried to negotiate with the British, but nothing happened. They felt that they had the power to do whatever other nations could do. Though, this document left out women and African Americans along with slavery still being prominent among many parts of the colonies.

  9. The Declaration of Independence was the colonists’ official break from Great Britain, and the day that the United States of America was born. The colonists had had enough of Great Britain’s unfair treatment towards them. They had protested many times, and had even gone to war against Britain to gain the freedom that they deserved. They made a statement to prove that King George has abused the colonists, and that he was a tyrant. The statement proved the following actions that the king had imposed on the colonists: refused to pass necessary laws, didn’t even consider the needs of the colonists, forced law makers to go to meetings in uncomfortable atmospheres, invaded the rights of the colonists, prevented population growth, allowed only himself to be able to decide how long of a term a judge served, and how much he would be paid, British troops and tax collectors were around at all times, took away charters, imposed unfair taxes on the colonists without their consents and an explanation, declared war against the colonists, and that King George would not honor the ideas of the colonists. The colonists agreed that they were subject to Britain’s harsh laws, and unnecessary taxes. They concluded that all men are entitled to the rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. They declared that they had the right to break free from Great Britain.

    Here is the url for my wordle!!!

  10. The Declaration of Independence was an important legal document that sparked a new nation. It was written to officially declare that the thirteen colonies had seceded from British rule. King George had been, in their opinion, cruel and oppressing. Because of this, the Second Continental Congress decided to declare their selves independent of Britain. There were a few key points that the colonists had to reason themselves. One of them was that the colonists believed that been a cruel tyrant that was unfit to rule a country of civilized men. Another reason they had was that King George had invaded their protected and unalienable rights. When the Second Continental Congress wrote the Declaration, they left out certain things that led to struggle later. First, it never mentioned slaves were free. It also never mentioned women in its wording. Never the less, the Declaration was an important document that led to a revolution.

  11. The Declaration of Independence was a document that was made to separate colonies from Britain. The colonies thought it was unfair that the colonists lived under the king’s rule when the colonists didn’t even live in Britain. King George made them pay taxes with out a representative. The colonists had no choice for taxes so they decided to stop buying products from Britain and bought their goods from other places even though it was illegal. They did this to get King George’s attention. Not only did King George make colonists pay taxes but he didn’t set aside land for new comers because there was a possibility that if he let new comers come to the colonies the colonists could gain more supporters and over come King George. King George did not let other states have their own constitution and cannot honor them because they were forced to follow Britain’s law. The colonists tried to negotiate with King George many times but colonists were very tired of being under his rule. Soon they got their independence and were able to make their own laws and were able to do what any other nation could do.

  12. This is the URL


    The Declaration of Independence
    The Declaration of Independence was the colonist’s way of saying that we make our own rules and we demand the rights we deserve. The first draft of the Declaration of Independence was written by Thomas Jefferson and was signed by influential people such as John Hancock, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, John Hart and more. The Declaration of Independence states that all people are equal and deserve rights such as Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. If any form of government threatened these rights or tried to deny the people of them then the people could overrule the government and abolish it if necessary. Though it stated that people would be equally it excluded women and African Americans. The declaration also states that the king was walking all over them and was abusing his power as monarch. This single document set the base of government today. The Declaration protects the rights of the people and are referred to when anybody is over stepping their boundaries and suppressing the voices and the rights of the people.

  13. this is my wordle:

  14. Declaration of Independence

    The Declaration of Independence is a very important document for the United States of America. The declaration mainly states the rights for the United States. It was written by the colonists that were being controlled by Great Britain. The colonist tried and to make fair plans with Great Britain, but they just wouldn’t listen. The made reasonable points about why the king should not be able to rule the United States any more. For example, the colonists were not allowed to make laws and rights for there states with out the king’s consent. This was a big problem because some laws in the colonies needed to be passed right away but it would not happen right away because the king didn’t care what the colonists wanted. There were two things that the colonist left out of the Declaration though. At the time when they made the declaration, woman didn’t have as many rights as men, so the declaration of Independence was only written to support the men in the colonies. Another main point that the declaration left out was the African Americans. The Africans were used as slaves; the declaration did not apply to them. Even though they let a lot of the slaves go free, there were still a lot of slaves that stayed slaves. This made it harder for the slaves and the woman to get there independence later on but they were still able to do it.

  15. Declaration of Independence
    The Declaration of Independence Is a document that talks and lists the rights that should have been given to the colonist. The colonist split because the British king, King George III had been too strict with these English colonists. They decided to settle some place new but with a charter that king George approved. Eventually King George started to make rules for them that were unfair. These colonists needed their right and needed to fight for them. That’s when they started the Declaration of Independence. They listed all the wrong things the king made them do and accused him for doing these things, reason for which this document was made. When the document was finished they sent it to King George but he refused to consider the laws the colonist had made. In this document they listed how he didn’t let foreigners come into the colonies or become citizens. He didn’t even let anyone decide things, not even the judges. Other countries that were ruled by the king had their own ideas but couldn’t do them because they had to follow on what King George said. Then colonist started to rebel.

  16. The Declaration of Independence is a document that explains colonists have the right to separate from the British government because they are not being treating like people. People have the right r to fight their freedom. The reason that the colonist6s were trying to fight for their freedom was because King George III mad unfair rules for them. He refused to even see the laws that the colonists came up with. King He also wouldn’t let the law makers to make and do what they needed to do with the laws. He wouldn’t let anyone decide other than him, not even the judges. Because the colonists had to do everything King George wanted tem to they started declaring their independence. The declaration of Independence was a way of saying they breaking away from the British. The British would boss them around. They also wouldn’t give them the freedom they disserve.

  17. The Declaration of Independence

    The Declaration of Independence was a document made by English colonists. It was written because it was a form of them breaking away form Britain. They wanted to break away because King George made a lot of unfair laws they didn’t like. Also, the colonists included what King George did wrong. Some things the colonists wrote about King George is that he didn’t allow laws colonists made up and did not let foreigners to become citizens. The main points of why the Declaration of Independence was made were because the colonists wanted rights and because King George was very strict. Since King George made many unfair laws the colonists started to rebel. They fought for their rights by making the Declaration of Independence.

  18. The Declaration of Independence is a ndencedocument made by colonists in the 1700’s declaring the independence from King George and all of Great Britain. It stated that all men were created equal, and had unalienable rights. And that many unfair laws were being put on the colonies by King George. The colonists all wanted to break free. They were being unfairly ruled by King George and they wanted their freedom. In The Declaration of Independence it is said that all men were created. Not treated differently because of their social class, or because of their importance. So the point trying to be shown is that they wanted King George to treat them the way he was treating the British. It was also said that men had unalienable rights, Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of happiness. The people living in the colonies could not achieve those rights because of King George. He took away their liberty, and was controlling everyone’s lives. And since they couldn’t live the lives they desired, they could not obtain happiness. When The Declaration of Independence was written, the colonists new it was a time to stand up for their independence and fight against the British. Good things like the Boston Tea Party occurred. When a group of Boston citizens dumped the tea being imported by British into Boston Harbor. But some terrible events happened. One of them was the Boston Massacre. It was a terrible day when people were injured, and unfortunately killed. The shots were fired by British soldiers into a crowd of citizens that were taunting the soldiers. Throwing rocks and snowballs at them. And when one slave dared the soldiers to fire, they did. The soldiers went to court, but since the judge’s decision was influenced by the king, the soldiers were let free. The Declaration of Independence is probably the greatest document ever written. Because of it, America is a free nation. And has made many great contributions to people around the country, and around the world.

  19. The purpose of the Declaration of Independence was that they wanted to declare their Independence and that they wanted to break away with Britain. They wanted to do their own fair government. That was because King George wouldn’t pass laws to accommodate them, and create laws that will help or protect themselves. He wasn’t leading them so their colonies increased in size, he decided how long judges would serve and the amount and payment of the salaries. Also colonists had to take care of British troops who came into their home to stay there. British troops didn’t lead them to do their own system, and their own laws. King George forced people to fight, to kill people and be part of the British troops. Everyone tried to help King George but he never listened to them. He was acting like a tyrant doing whatever he wanted to do. So then they wrote the Declaration of Independence so they could be independent because they were fed up with helping King George who never listened to them and was doing everything that he wanted to do. So, that’s why they established the Declaration of Independence.

    my wordle is here:

  20. The Declaration of Independence is an important document that legally freed the colonist from the British. The British King did not care for the colonists and in several acts tried to get them to leave. The colonists tried over and over to reason with the British King but they were usually rejected or ignored. They felt it was their duty to break free from Britain and be equal. The King did everything he could do in his power to stop the colonist from rebelling. He did this by adding special taxes and laws that would prevent it. Many colonists, famous now, grouped together and came up with an idea. That idea was this document, and with it they gained freedom.

  21. In the late seventeen hundreds, there was a very unfair ruler named King George III. This king would neglect the colonists’ rights, laws, and rules he said he would consider. In the colonists’ eyes they thought King George was a tyrant for not letting the colonists make their own laws, ignoring them, and not allowing people to come to the colonies. The colonists wanted to break away from England because they didn’t have any rights and wanted a better life for themselves and for others. A big thing that happened that made the colonists mad was that King George gave up on the colonists’ government. Also when the British troops were in America, the colonists had to feed the troops and let them stay in their homes. The British troops were supposed to follow laws, but they didn’t. During the Boston massacre when over five people were shot by British troops, the troops weren’t punished in any way. The colonists wrote the Declaration of Independence because they were sick of following the tyrant.

  22. my wordle is on
