Friday, October 16, 2009

Founding Fathers: Proud or Disappointed?

Take a moment to reflect on our recent exploration of both the Declaration of Independence and the events of the American Revolution. In your opinion, are we as a nation today still representing the ideals of our founding fathers as stated in the Declaration of Independence? Why or why not?

Please be sure to explain your opinion thoroughly with thoughtful supporting details. Additionally, please remember to post with your first name and period.


  1. In 1776, our founding fathers made a reality out of a dream of a country built upon the ideals of freedom and fairness. They wrote the Declaration of Independence, a document that ended years of oppression that the British had enforced on the American colonists. Unfortunately, this led to the Revolutionary War, which caused thousands of men and women to die for their belief that people could live with liberty and justice for all. However, are we present day Americans ignoring their sacrifices? Have we forgotten to uphold the moral values that our founding fathers built our country on? The colonists wrote that they wanted everyone in their country to be treated equally, and that all people had the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. But nowadays people treat others with prejudice and contempt, thinking themselves to be better than other races. We abolished slavery in the 1800’s and racial segregation in the mid-20th century, but Americans still judge each other based on the color of their skin. Religious intolerance is still a problem, even though the colonists left Britain in order to follow whatever spiritual path they chose. We as Americans must remember to overcome our personal squabbles in order to live as the founding fathers intended us to.

  2. I think that in some ways we are, are not representing our founding fathers. Our founding fathers wanted us to be free, and to be a proper country. We are both of those, and we love our freedom, and we always try to make our country great. In the Decleration of Independence they left both women and slaves out of the Decleration of Independence. Today women have as many rights as men, and their are no slaves in America. So personally I think that the Decleration of Independence both represents and dosn't represent the current United States of America.

  3. The founding fathers would be both proud and disappointed of what the United States is today. They would be proud that the democracy is still here and that there is freedom for all people in the USA. They would be disappointed that there is lots of crime and there are poor people and it is not peaceful in the category of war. They would think that there could be more things done but it is good as it is for now. It would be great if the USA could be better though.

  4. Are we representing the ideals of our founding fathers still today? Would they be proud or rather more disappointed? The Declaration of Independence is a document that was written by our founding fathers which separated the colonists from Britain allowing them to be free and run their own government. We look to this document as an example still today. So, in my opinion, I feel our founding fathers of this vast country would feel proud in the sense that we are a democracy and run our own government separated from other countries and representing freedom. Though, this document did leave out some important information having to do with women, African Americans, and slaves' rights. On another note, though, it is understandable how our nation could be a bit of a disappointment to our founding fathers who fought so hard to make our country united as one whole standing on its own proud and strong representing something so many people long: freedom. Many people throughout our nation are very prejudice not reflecting the views of our founding fathers treating not all with equality. So I feel it is a large debate on the matter of whether or not America today really would make our founding fathers proud or disappointed.

  5. I believe that we are in a way still representing the ideals of our founding fathers but in a way we aren’t. There are still people who judge others by sex, race, and social status. The founding fathers left out many people in the Declaration of Independence. Women and slaves were left out of this document and till this day women and not necessarily slaves but people of lower social status are still being treated unequally. It seems as if people have not yet learned that all humans on this earth were created equally and therefore always be equal. Hopefully in the future this everyone will see each other as equals.

  6. The Declaration of Independence was an important article because it made all man equal. Although it did not include women and slaves, we added it later on because we believe all people should be equal. I do think we have violated these laws because there are alot of racist people who treat colored people badly, and most definetly not equally. Another issue with equality is not letting gays marry, which is a violation of the pursuit of happiness, a right which was supposedly unalienable. Instead we let other people vote to see if they think it is right. Frankly I think it is none of there business, and just because people disagree with homosexuality, it doesn't mean you should stop other people. So we should definetly change our ways so that they agree with The Declaration of Independence.

  7. I don't think the founding fathers would want to see how the nation has changed. The crimes, disrespectful people, and terrible economy are all a part of the bad condition in America. The only thin I think the founding fathers would like to see, are the advances in technology. Someone needs to help restore order in America.

  8. The Declaration of Independence was a document declaring the independence of are nation. The founding fathers would be pleased to see that we are still an independant nation, running our own democeracy and making our own laws. But I think that they wouldn't like how many people are breaking the laws we make. Even though we have a lot of crime, I still think we should be proud that we have remained independent.

  9. I would think the founding fathers would be stunned. The reason why is because the taxes are too high. They would think that the government would be like Britian. Another reason is because the economy is so low. The people are losing money and the government is raising prices and taxes. I would also think that they would be proud of how we won so many wars and that we have thrived for all these years. That is what the founding fathers would think about our country from my piont of view.

  10. Our founding fathers established the Constitution of Independence to prevent current and future oppression and so that no man would have to relive the Revolutionary War. The Constitution was their way of saying to King George III that everybody is equal and has the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Our founding fathers didn’t set the best example by leaving out women and African American slaves in the constitution but over the years we have over come those problems and now have rights for women and African Americans and though our growth in the past exceeds most, the world is still not perfect. Though we all live freely prejudice and stereotypes are a common thing and if we look back in time you’ll see that the reason the colonists first came to America was to gain religious freedom yet we ignore that and continue to judge, exclude, and fight based on religious differences. We’ve gone both forwards and backwards in time and our founding fathers are probably happy that what they fought and died for was obtained but saddened that while we have rights for everyone we forget and take the rights we have for granted. The world today is thanks to the people from the past who knew a life without a constitution to protect those basic rights that we as humans and as people have lost sight of. Hopefully in the future our country will be better than ever.

  11. If the founding fathers were to look on our country today, they would be both pleased and dissatisfied at the same time in the way our nation is running nowadays. On one hand, the U.S. is running very smoothly. We just elected a new president that seems to be doing a very good job, and all in the U.S. have a great amount of freedom and many rights. On the other hand, some tend to think that they can do anything and get away with it. There is a great amount of crime in our nation, and many are homeless and poor because of job loss or other reasons. People also discriminate more and more, and there is prejudice everywhere. If our founding fathers were to travel forward in time and look at what our country is now, I’m not sure what they would think of us and what we have become.

  12. I feel like even today we are still representing what there declaration of independence told us years ago. Things that we represent it today are things like taxation with out representation. Another thing or law stated in the declaration of independence was to treat everyone equal. I feel we really do follow the declaration.

  13. Our founding fathers had separated from Britain because they wanted the people to practice their unalienable rights, the pursuit of happiness, freedom, and life. Also, the colonists originally came to the states to practice their religion their own way. Today, we’re not practicing what the founding fathers wanted us to because we’ve changed from what they wanted to something really different from what they saw in the country. Their ideals are not being represented because people aren’t respecting others, being racist to others. Also, they probably don’t want to see what the nation has become, because they might be disappointed.

  14. No, we are not. The people back then would not be happy with all that is going on now today. With all the "the end is near," and "your killing the planet", no one back then would be happy. In fact many people aren't happy today. In the Declaration of Independence, it states that all people will have equal rights; from what I've seen nobody is equal. There are homeless people, rich people, and people with problems. Most people would disagree if I asked them if they thought we became what the people of the American revolution said we were going to be. Overall the founding fathers would have thought we became major failures with only some technological advances and no economical advances.

  15. The Declaration of Independence was written with life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Are we as citizens of their country upholding their ideas? But their thoughts of equality and liberty were for one portion of their country, being the people who wrote it. Obviously, we have come a long way from there, for the obvious reasons of abolishing slavery, and giving women equal rights. However, it is human nature to judge someone by their sex, their skin color, or what they look like whether you try to or not, or if you like it or not. Yet, there still is equality between everyone. So would our founding fathers who wrote the document our country is based on be proud of us? Who’s to say they might be disappointed that African-Americans have rights, or that women are equal? Or are they proud of the fact they we remained free, and in a free country everyone should be free no matter what they look like? If they were to see their country now, they would be proud to see advances we made in many topics, and to see everyone equal.

  16. If the founding fathers reflected on the way America is controlled now, they would be both proud and disappointed. We have established a well developed and strong government that is run by a democracy, and our rights are now recognized. We have order and protection, and a strong military, and for those reasons, they would look at us with pride. On the other hand, our crumbling economy and growing poverty is an issue that they would be ashamed of. The amount of crime and terrorism in our world, senseless violence and murder, and heinous crimes horrify our nation to a point of unnecessary devastation and mass destruction. Our once strong and peaceful nation has become ruled by fear and annihilation. Our supportive and tolerant population has turned against us, and the traitors of our faith continue to harm our communities. Many has changed since the colonists break from great Britain. There are no longer slaves, and African Americans and Caucasians have equal rights. Women also share the same rights as men, and so political equality is a major difference since the beginning of our country. Despite our destructive and uncontrollable faults, America stands strong. As America proudly defends its title as the Home of the Free, our founding fathers would appreciate the efforts we have made to create such a respected nation.

  17. In the Declaration of Independence, it states that all men are created equal. Today, we as Americans try to live by that philosophy. It wasn't always like that though. In the nineteen-sixties, African-Americans fought for their rights. In the nineteen-twenties,women won the right to vote. I absolutely believe that the founding fathers would be proud of us. We believe in freedom and many countries have followed in our footsteps. We work and try to help people find freedom. We don't like when our freedoms are taken away.

  18. Our founding fathers had separated from Britain because they wanted the people to practice their unalienable rights, the pursuit of happiness, freedom, and life. Also, the colonists originally came to the states to practice their religion their own way. Today, we’re not practicing what the founding fathers wanted us to because we’ve changed from what they wanted to something really different from what they saw in the country. Their ideals are not being represented because people aren’t respecting others, being racist to others. Also, they probably don’t want to see what the nation has become, because they might be disappointed.

  19. I think that if our founding fathers were took look at present day America they would be surprised I think. I think this because of so much corruption we have now a days. I don't think this was the image they pictured a long time ago. The economy is also bad, schools and teachers are getting cut down. This is all a problem that wouldn’t make them happy. We need to try to enhance and protect our country so in the future these kinds of things don't happen.

  20. Our founding fathers would be pleased and unpleased for several reasons. One reason they would be pleased is because we just elected the First African American president and he has been doing so much to change and help the economy. He also won the Nobel Prize, which is a great achievement. Another reason they would happy is because we have grown so much as a nation. Some reasons they would be unpleased is because people are still treated unfair and are losing their homes. The last reason they would be unpleased is because the economy is in billions and billions of dollars in debt and it will take many generations to pay off.

  21. If the founding fathers were to look at our country today, I think they would be disapointed but also proud. They could be upset at the economy, and the poverty issues. America also has crime, and we became involved in another war. Even with all of the bad things, there are still many things that our founding fathers would be impresses with. We have so much new technology, and we have come a long way since 1776. We finally don't discriminate as much against race, and we even have an african-american president. We also have gotten rid of slaves, and we have many new laws. Overall, I think our founding fathers would have good and bad feelings about America today.

  22. The Declaration of Independence is a document that is declaring the Independence for all Americans it was written by the founding fathers. Some people still use their freedom to their continent. I think that Americans should be proud of this document because it led them to do many things and have more freedom. In my view point Founding Fathers will be very proud about their country because a lot of people still thinking about that freedom and that they have their own laws.

  23. I think the founding fathers who made the declartion of indepence are awsome. Because if they didn't we whould not be a free country, we whould be like forgin countries who force kids to fight in war, i whould not want to fight in war at 13 years old. Also i think the paper of the declartion of ind. is really special, as kids we don't really see all the fredom it gives us, the declartion of ind. gives us the fredom to talk to everbody who we want to talk to, it also gives us the fredom to do whatever we want to do. I Love The Declartion Of Indepence!

  24. Do I think that America is living up to the foundations of our founding fathers? Well, I'm actually half and half. Our founding fathers would be proud that we are an even bigger free country, but they would be sad that there is a lot more crime and murders than there were back then. We also have a president to run our military, and a congress to vote on our laws. Another new thing that would be different to the founding fathers if they were to come to the present time is that there is one voted governor for each state. We are a great nation, and even better one than from the 1700s. We are independent country and I hope it will stay like that until the end of the world.

  25. When the Declaration of Independence, it states our right of freedom. We are still free, and we have allowed all races and ethnicities to be free. But, in acts of kindness, I don't think our founding fathers would be too proud of us. In the aspect of the Declaration of Independence, they would be proud.

  26. If the founding fathers traveled through time, I think they would be happy about what we have become. Although, sometimes we could be better. Our founding fathers would be proud because the United States still has many rights; especially compared to other countries. We have many laws to follow, but we are not told what to do. On the other hand, the United States has many laws and people don't always follow them. As Charlotte says, "Though we all live freely prejudice and stereotypes are a common thing and if we look back in time you’ll see that the reason the colonists first came to America was to gain religious freedom..." People still judge eachother for their differences and our founding fathers would not be proud of us for that. People just want to be liked for who they are and not what they look like. Just like religious freedom, we need to let people have personal style freedom. If the founding fathers of the United States of America went into the future, they would be both proud of what we have become and disappointed of what some people do.

  27. The Declaration of Independence is a document that states that people should be treated equally. Some people today do not treat others the way they should be treated. In some ways that can be seen is how some people are racists towards others or how some people do not agree with other religions. Another way that is seen is how there are so many crimes that happen in our time. So I would say that our nation do not represent the ideals of our founding fathers as stated in the Declaration of Independence because of all the crime and hatred towards people and their races.

  28. The Declaration of Independence was drafted by the colonies to declare their independence from Britain. This was a document to give everyone equal rights. If our founding fathers saw us today they would be proud because we are still representing the ideas in the declaration. We are a democracy and just elected a new president to represent our country. We have also abolished slavery and given all people, not just men, equal rights. We also still represent the ideals stated because our country doesn’t abuse its power, we still vote as a group on any problem. So yes if the America’s founding father looked at how we run our country now they would be proud because all of their hard work is still in effect.

  29. Two hundred and thirty-three years ago, our founding fathers wrote a document declaring the colonies' independence. This was based on freedom, rights, and fairness. The fathers of our country would be stunned by the way our country is run today. It does not follow their way of doing things and it is not based on what they would have liked it to be based on. Our country is judgmental of one another, there are many crimes, and people are disrespectful. Although we are a free, united, and loyal country, it is run much differently than our founding fathers would have wanted it to be.

  30. If the founding fathers were to be here today they would like how America is free and everyone is equal. They probably wouldn’t like how the nation is handling things politically at the moment. They would also probably agree that life is more enjoyable now it was then, but the future is questionable. If the founding fathers were here with all the knowledge available they might think that America is one of the strongest countries now.

  31. The Declaration said that all men are to be crated equally and that we have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We have on one hand kept up with these rules and we have added a couple more rights for the people of our nation. First of all women have more rights now than those of Colonial America, and there are no more slaves in the US as far as I know. The people are living their lives how they want them and the only laws that are being passed are the laws that the government creates and votes on as group. And on the other hand we don’t have a king but a president who the people elect and we hopes that he will guide us through our trouble and misfortune.

  32. Today, the Declaration of Independence is considered the building block of our country. It states our rights as citizens of this country and how this country was intended to be. Today, there are many ways in which we aren’t completely respecting that building block, both in good ways, and bad. For instance, African-Americans and women both have rights that only white slave owners had back then. We also have still managed to represent the ideas of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. We have also ignored some of the statements negatively. There are people, no matter what their race, being judged or treated unequally for the amount of money they have, the clothes they wear, or simply what they look like. This certainly can’t be how our forefathers intended this country to be run. We have both respected and disrespected the ideas of our forefathers and the older our country get the more disrespected they are becoming.

  33. Our founding fathers created the Declaration of Independence which allowed us to break free from Great Britain. Some rights in the Declaration of Indpendence that our founding fathers created are still represented today. Like the right of the people to alter or abolish laws. If we as a nation don't agree to a law we can vote to alter or abolish it. And the right to pick our representatives so that we can have a say in rights we do or do not agree to so that the government won't tax us like how Britain taxed the Colonies and the Colonies had no say in it. We have followed the Declaration of Independence and thanks to our founding fathers we grew into a strong nation and survived through the hardships that tried to strike us and because of the Independence we as a nation strived through those hardships as the United States of America.

  34. The Declaration of Independence is still followed today. All people are treated equal and without prejudice under the law. Discrimination is not allowed as it has been proven with the election of our new president. We have a right to voice our opinions about the way the country is run. Our government officials are elected not selected. The theory of innocent until proven guilty is a major asset in the court systems today. I feel that the founding fathers would be disappointed in the fact that taxes are so high and that economy is so low. Everyone should be entitled to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness in todays world. There should be international communication among the foreign countries with the United States as well as trading. Our fore fathers fought for all of our rights we have today and our military fights to help us keep these rights.

  35. In some ways I do think that we are still following the rules and morals of our founding fathers, but I also think there are some things that have changed in positive and negative ways. The declaration states that all men are created equal. Though the founding fathers were right about that, they forgot about to other kinds of people. Women and African Americans. If they included the woman and the African Americans it would have been a lot easier for the woman and the African Americas to gain there independence. Even though now every man and women no matter what race or religion are equal, there is still argument throughout the peoples of the United States. Even if we have added some new rules and regulations to the Declaration of independence, we still follow its original rules.

  36. In the signing of the Declaration of Independence,the founding fathers intended for us to be a free country run by the people for the people where everyone is equal. That is still the case. We have been able to uphold these standards, and apply them to more then our founding fathers had originally intended. WE have extended the rights to both women and African-Americans, two groups the writers of the Declaration wrote out. So, yes, we are still upholding the intentions of the Declaration of Independence.

  37. I think our founding fathers would be proud to see that our nation today is still independent. They would also be very proud of how our president isn't at all like King George III and wants what is best for us. Another reason is that we have our own run government and make our own laws. In the same manor they would also be disappointed about the crime in our country and the war going on in Iraq. Our Founding would be both very proud and disappointed.

  38. What is the Declaration of Independence? The Declaration of Independence is a document that formally announces the separation between the colonists and Britain. I think that our founding fathers would be both proud and disappointed. The reason why I think that our founding fathers would be proud is because we have a government that is working hard to set laws and keep peace in America. Our founding fathers would not be proud of the way people are committing crimes everyday and don’t care. Also, there is a lot of poverty between families. Either way I do think that our founding fathers would be both proud and disappointed.

  39. I think that the Founding Fathers would be dissapointed at the way we are living today. We have changed the way our nation runs things and crimes and even how disrespectful people are now. They probably would be pleased with our advances in technology though. We have become different from them by a lot and I'm not so sure that they would like that a lot. One more thing that they might not be pleased with is the way we have raised taxes. So the Founding Fathers might be disappointed and a little bit proud.

  40. I think the Founding Fathers would be proud but mostly disappointed. They would be proud with the achievements we have in technology and medicine. But disappointed on how much we abuse it. By taking medicine not suited for you without doctors permission could be fatal. But mostly what the must be disappointed with is the amount of hatred our country has. Beginning, with the increase in crimes everywhere, and the war of Iraq and Afghanistan. The Fathers would be disgusted on how we changed this nation dramatically. Plus, with the stock at its low and our nation almost falling apart, but hopefully that will all change.

  41. If our founding fathers could see us now I think they would not be proud of us. The first reason is because people still treat others unfairly in America. If it because race, gender or even how they’re doing in life people still treat people unfairly. The second reason is because of the taxes and the economy. As the economy goes down the taxes go up. It like the government is trying to make us homeless. Although they might proud of how we have expanded as a nation and how some try to help others. So they probably be a little upset at how we have become.

  42. Our Founding Fathers would be amazed at how far we have gotten in the past 200 years or so. They wouldn't be very pleased to see that though we have settled differences in race and religion in our country, we still have war and other violent affairs in outside nations. We have kept our country free and equal, but it does not mean that the disruption of peace or the use of violence in other countries should be tolerated. Our economy has already taken a staggering blow during the Great Depression, and though it has recovered mostly, yet again it is failing the people of the U.S. and causing them to lose jobs and freedom to pursue their dreams. Our Founding Fathers would be disappointed by these recent social and economic advancements, but one thing they would be proud of, as Randy stated, is our better understanding of the world and our innovations in technology and science. The Founding Fathers should be proud to see how America has become.

  43. I would think the Founding Fathers would be mad but at the same time they would be happy. They would be happy about the achievements we have in technology and medicine. But mad on how we didnt use it very properly.Becasue tehy used the medecine without having actual doctors to look at it they killed may soldiers.

  44. The Declaration of Independence was written in 1776 by our founding fathers. They stated that everyone should be treated equally, and self-govern our nation. If they could see how we were today, i think they would be some what disappointed in us. We don't treat others fairly just because of their race, or religion, or even by how much money they have or how they dress. Which is not how they planned for us to be. Our nation has developed a very high, well structured government; which is something they would be proud of. Also, our achievements, like in technology and such has improved a lot; so we have given them another reason to be proud. The disappointments and the positive things kind of even out. I don't think they'd be neither disappointed, nor proud.

  45. If the founding fathers saw how the country looks today, they would be both proud and upset. We do represent the ideas of the founding fathers from the Declaration of Independence but a lot about our country has changed. The reason they would be proud is because we have so many new advances,ways to communicate with each other, and several people fighting and dying to keep our country free and alive. If we didn't have the support and help to take care of our country from willing people then everything would go downhill. The founding fathers would be upset because the nations economy isn't very good right now and many people don't even try to help with the issues. Taxes are high and money is cutting low. This country is filled with dishonest, rude, and sinful people that hurt or kill other people just for the heck of it.There are reasons why we aren't representing our founding fathers and explanations of why we are. Everyone should be treated as contemporaries and equals in this generation and future generations with no disrespect for each other or the country.

  46. I believe that we are representing what the founding fathers did back in 1776. I believe that they would be thrilled with the progress that our nation has gone through and how their nation and our nation grew. They may also be a little shocked because we have made many more rights to everyone. Women have rights and there are no slaves in America, only equal individuals. Another thing they may be concerned about is our economy; our economy is at a low. The founding fathers would probably have mixed feelings about what this country has become. They also might see the stuff about Iraq and Afghanistan. So, there are many things that would happen if the founding fathers were alive today. I believe half that they would be happy with how we are today and half about that they would be mad that we gave rights to more races of people.

  47. If the founding fathers were to view this country today, they would be disappointed. The Declaration of Independence was created to make this land a free country and a land of opportunities. Our ancestors fought for our independence and rights and what would they see now? They would see a country filled with hate, prejudice, racism, and discrimination. Throughout our nation’s history we have seen these reoccurring issues. Starting from when the Declaration of Independence was drafted, there were slaves. A dark time for American history is when we enslaved other human beings, just because they were different. Slaves were African people who were brought over here to do whatever their owners wanted. They were treated like dirt and had no rights. Slaves were seen as pets and not as equals to the colonists. After that, there were hate issues involving American Indians. American Indians were seen as wild and untamed beings with no intent on acting civilized. There were places American Indians were not allowed to be in, with signs saying “Indians not allowed” and “Indians not welcome.” Indians were even segregated because of hate issues. That is why we have Indian reservations still being used today. Then came World War II and Pearl Harbor occurred. Japanese people were hated among Americans, which led to Japanese citizens in American distrusted. Americans thought that they were going to camps, America set up concentration camps for Japanese people in order for the government to keep a tab on all of them. Next came the racial, hateful, and discriminative time of the issue of African Americans in America. African Americans were viewed differently because of their skin color and were essentially hated because of it. They were attached, segregated, and unwelcome by all of white America. African Americans were not allowed to go where “white” people could go. They were looked down upon as a lower being by Americans. They were hated so much that a racial group called the Klu Klux Klan formed. After that, came the prejudice and hateful issue against gays. Gays were viewed as unnatural people that went against everything taught by God. They are discriminated against because they were not allowed to marry. This right is still being stripped of gays and is continuing to be a big issue in America.

    Why do we have these problems in the first place? Isn’t America supposed to welcome people with open arms, and give them the same rights as everyone else? Then why is this still a problem today. This question can be answered by American citizens as yes or no. What really is the answer, what would they think? We will never know.

  48. I think the Declaration of independence was a really important document because it made all of men equal and we still represent the Declaration because we still follow No taxation without representation. We still follow that all men are equal and we still want freedom in our country. The Declaration of Independence declared us free and because of that we can do all the things we are able to do today. However, we are somehow not representing it because there is still inequality among US citizens. So, we are and are not representing it.

  49. I think this cartoon is talking about America. What I mean is that back when they didn’t have a strong government people were more focused on liberty or freedom. That is why in the picture Uncle Sam is representing America balancing out liberty and order. Liberty weighs more which means people were more focused on freedom. Now though freedom is already established and we have a stronger government than we did back then. There are still a few kinks in our government but overall I think order is weighted more than it was back then.

  50. In a way the founding fathers would be both proud and disappointed. We as a country are and always will be a free country. We have abolished slavery and given many rights to women they didn't have. We express and protect the unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness with our government. There are also problems with our country. We, as a nation, are experiencing economic issues. Stock values are dropping and we are basically experiencing inflation. This is leading to problems such as crime. With all that is happening we are also experiencing prejudice like we were before.

  51. in my opinion i think we still follow the founding fathers details. The reason is because the founding fathers had great ideals. They were very insperational to the people.

  52. In my opinion our founding fathers would be very proud of the nation.Also they would be proud that the things they thought 200 years ago are still in place. Also i thing they would be proud of the presidents for looking after the people.Also they would like that we are a free country and dont have slavery anymore.I think the founding fathers wouldnt be dissapointed but they would be proud.

  53. In my opinion, I think we as a nation should be more respectful towards out nation. I don't think that our founding fathers wouldn't be proud of us becasue we do not take of out nation, but we still have a strong central goverment and a great defending army. We should take care of out nation better and be thankful for the founding fathers for finding our nation.

  54. The Declaration of Independence is declaring the Independence for all americans it was written by the founding fathers. The independence also states that people should be treated equally. The Declaration of Independence declared us free and because of that pwe can do all the things we are able to do today. Even though our countryb have done a lot of crimes and breaking laws, we done good things for our country, I think the founding fathers would still be pround of what we done for our country.
